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Reflexology Treatment


A reflexology treatment last for 45-60 minutes.

It involves working on the reflex points of the feet. This helps keep the body in balance. It can help many different conditions and promotes a feeling of well-being. It is non-invasive- there is no need to undress. It is just deeply relaxing and does not tickle!

Reflexology is a form of 'alternative' or 'complementary' medicine and involves a method of treatment using massage to reflex areas found in the feet and the hands.

On the feet, there are reflex areas corresponding to all the parts of the body and these areas are arranged in such a way as to form a map of “zones”, or “energy pathways” on the feet with the right foot corresponding to the right side of the body and the left foot corresponding to the left side of the body. Reflexology, being a “holistic” therapy, works on the principle that no one body part works in isolation – every part works together for the benefit of the whole. Therefore the build up of toxins (which can be caused by illness, stress or injury) in one part of the body can eventually lead to different parts having to work harder to compensate for the imbalance in body energies. By stimulating the various reflexes on the feet and hands it is possible to clear away the congestion of toxic deposits that inhibit the flow of energy through our bodies, thereby bringing about a state of balance or equilibrium. This improves our health and vitality.

Exactly how massaging a reflex in the foot or hand can produce a measurable effect on another part of the body within that zone is not fully understood. It is however, accepted that a reflexology treatment has a beneficial effect on the blood circulation and nervous system.

Reflexology does not claim to be a 'cure-all' but numerous different disorders have been successfully treated by this method. These disorders include such things as migraine and headaches, sinus problems, hormonal imbalances, breathing disorders, digestive problems, circulatory problems, back problems and tension and stress. Most people who have experienced treatment would agree that the method can be most beneficial and is also a very relaxing therapy.

What to expect from your reflexology treatment

When you have your first treatment, I will take some notes about your medical history and lifestyle, as it is important to consider you as more than just a condition to be treated. I will then ask you to remove your shoes and socks and to sit comfortably with your feet raised.

I will initially wipe your feet to clean them, and examine them (don’t worry I will have seen much worse!), and apply a little talcum powder, before commencing with the precise massage movements. The particular type of massage involved requires the application of a firm pressure using the side and end of the thumb, and sometimes the fingers.

All areas on both feet will be massaged. Areas corresponding to parts of the body that are out of balance may feel uncomfortable or tender when massaged and the degree of tenderness will indicate the degree of imbalance. The sensitivity of the feet varies from person to person and I will note and interpret any tenderness or congested areas that I feel, and work gently on these. The massage should not be uncomfortable to even the most sensitive of feet. The full treatment session will last approximately 45 minutes – 1 hour and the aim is to encourage relaxation - it is quite normal to fall asleep during a treatment. The muscles lose their tenseness and the blood circulates unimpeded, supplying your body’s cells with oxygen and nutrients. When you are relaxed you function better, you sleep better, which gives you more energy the next day. You feel good and this has a knock-on effect.

At the end of a session your feet should feel warm and you should feel relaxed. The number of treatment sessions required will vary depending on any specific condition being treated and we will discuss this. Following a reflexology treatment, it is sometimes possible that the eliminating systems of the body become more active in order to rid the body of unwanted toxic matter, i.e. you may need to urinate more frequently, or have a slight headache. However, these reactions should not be severe. It is very important to drink plenty of water afterwards, and to avoid strenuous exercise, eating a heavy meal and drinking alcohol for the rest of the day if possible. Reflexology is a particularly pleasant means of treatment and a means of maintaining the body in good health.

After Your Reflexology Treatment

After your reflexology treatment, you should drink plenty of water to help your body flush out toxins. Try to have only a light meal, no alcohol, and to take it easy for the rest of the day.

Common Reactions

You may have a headache, or any condition being treated may get temporarily worse before it gets better.

You may find you have increased energy levels.

You may find you need to urinate more frequently. The colour and smell may also change.

You may get a cold.

Perhaps the most common reaction is that you will get a very good night’s sleep.

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