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Uplifting Massage


Massage is beneficial to your health for the following reasons:

The benefits of massage are well documented and regular massage can enhance your feeling of total wellbeing.

I will work on the contours of your body, adjusting techniques, movements and oils to deliver your specific requirements most effectively.

Both men and women can enjoy massage. To receive the most enjoyable and effective treatment, you are welcome to discuss your needs with me.

Essential oils may be used in your massage. They help promote healing on both the physical and psychological aspects of health, gently easing the mind and body back into harmony. Essential oils are blended together by a qualified practitioner for each treatment, to best meet your changing therapeutic and individual needs. An aromatherapy treatment can lift the spirit and clear the mind, creating a sense of deep relaxation which brings about a powerful therapeutic effect.

A back, shoulder and neck massage is designed for people with extreme tension in the back. A deep tissue massage relieves tension build-up, particularly in the shoulders, lower back and spine, promoting a healthy, functioning back.

The 30 minute indian head massage is ideal if you are very busy, as it fits in easily in a lunch break.

A relaxing massage uses essential oils specifically chosen to relax and soothe you. For more details on essential oils, please look at our essential oils page.

An uplifting massage uses a different combination of oils, to uplift and energise you.

A sports massage involves the application of massage and stretch techniques to the muscles and soft tissues of the body to enhance performance. It improves flexibility and mobility, relieves sore muscles, and promotes recovery from intense training or injury.

After your massage treatment

After your massage treatment, you should drink planty of water to help your body flush out toxins.

Try to have only a light meal, try to avoid caffeine and alcohol and take it easy for the rest of the day.

To gain maximum benefit from the essential oils used for your treatment, do not bathe or shower for 24 hours after your treatment.

If you have had a relaxing massage, you may find you experience feelings of lethargy during the day after your treatment.

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