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These are all the sites that I would like to thank and credit for helping me to make this site possible. I have viewed their sites and used some form of content of theirs, whether it be tutorials, inspiration, codes, help, etc. Keep in mind that these are not all of the sites that have helped me because I have viewed millions of them and got tid bits from who knows where! These are but just the main ones. I have tried my best to keep track of all the others ones and made sure to link and give credit where it's due because I do not intend to steal at all =) Thanks so much to these sites and if you need help, these are the places to go!
Lissa Explains It All
Ciara's SM Web Graphics
NeoPets HTML Guide
PSP 7 Tutorials

Silvery Dreams
And I would like to thank Silvery Dreams for inspiration for v.8 ^^

And a special thanks goes to this place. This site is amazing! =)
Web Designers Paradise


This site and all content made and copyright by Ana (Arrei), giving credit to places listed above. Please keep your sticky mits off, thank you. All anime/characters copyright by their respective owners. No claiming of creation or ownership intended. I just like the pretty pictures :D But the content is mine though and I would like to keep it that way. Thanks for dropping by to read them. Oh, and I would like to thank my parents for having me so I can create graphics and design the web to my heart's content and create a big impact on the world someday!!! Maybe...or...ok...maybe not X)

Firelight Grafix v7 | Site owned and © by Arrei | Best viewed in 800x600, IE 5+