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Awards for You

Think all that hard work you put into your site deserves and award? Then go ahead and apply for one ^_^ But there are a few things you have to follow. I'm sure you know what they are, but here goes:

  • Only sites with some kind of anime can apply. So it dosen't matter if you have a personal site, linkage, info, graphics, collectives, fan long as it has anime ^^
  • No distasteful hentai.
  • Your own content. Did you steal from anyone?
  • If you receive one, please link it back to Firelight Grafix. Thanks!

If you can't take rejection, please don't apply. I write letters for these. If you don't get one, than you probably could have done better. But please don't hate me if that is the case. You applied, remember? If you would like me to tell you what I liked and what you could improve than I would be more than happy to. Oh and by the way, I make the awards small so you don't have to worry about long loading or taking up space. Who says bigger is better? ^_^ Oh, and another thing, if you win Devine Beauty, you get a place in my "Special People" page X) Actually, you get a link on my front page =)

Grading Scale

Instead of just picking an award to win, I give you the choice of what grading scale you want:

MEDIUM-I am not that judgmental and I let a few things slide, for instance a non working page (I think I have some of those >_<), 2 or 3 broken images or links, numerous typos, etc. I am not that critical on the content part, but there had better be a decent amount of quality content still. BUT! Beginning sites can pick this and although the content is not all up, I'll overlook that. But I'll be very critical on other aspects such as consistency of layout, broken images, organization, etc. These awards aren't as grand though.

HIGH-I am thouroughly judgmental, like a good web site reviewer. But don't worry, I'm not a snobby, stick in the mud, everything must be perfect, make you want to shove a chair up his ass, type of reviewer ^^ I am understanding because I know how hard it is to make and maintain an error free website. Still, your layout has to be clean, organized, consistent, your content is mostly up, few broken links and images (I'm talking like 1 or 2), you put alot of effort in, you care about your site, and your site just has to be great and really impress me.

As you can see, I have no LOW grading scale because you want an award? You had better earn it. I don't give out awards just so you'll have something to show. My awards don't come easy. Okay then, when applying, please select one of these two grading scales ^^

Strawberi Creme Award  
This award is for cutie patootie sites! ^__^ If your site has a cute layout, cute content, cute characters, and just plain pinch my cheeks cuteness, this is the award you'll be receiving. But you can also get this award for ALOT of effort; you really really try at your site and you really want to make it work, and either it's paid off, or sometimes it hasn't, but you might still receive it anyway ^^

Yuri ha Award   (Lily Leaf)
This award is for those sites who have great quality graphics, whether you're a graphic shop or not. If your layout is beautiful, your image gallery is large, your graphics are crisp and clean, but yet load quickly, this wil be awarded to you. I picked this name cuz flowers (Lilies) are pretty in real life or a photo. And cuz I see too many "insert name)'s Award of Excellence" not that there's anything wrong with that ^_~ (it was my first choice anywayz)

Roukou Karei Award   (Experienced Beauty)
This award is called Experienced Beauty because it can be for two things: If you have great HTML and designing knowledge and it shows on your site, you would probably have to be very experienced ^^ Or, you have great content and alot of it, even though other aspects of your site might not be as well made. And content develpos over time ^^ So there you go...

Devine Beauty
Basically, you have an exquisite site and everything is beautiful. You must have great content, great layout, great navigation, great yadda yadda. I mean, this has to be one beautiful site! I'm mainly focusing on the layout and content of this combined...If you win this award you get a link on my front page for a month and after that go down in my "Winners" page.

Just email me with your name, site name, URL, and grading scale choice to see if you are a winner ^^ In the subject line type "Award Application." Please do this so I will know what the email is for, and not just delete it -_-() (Don't ask...) You don't have to enter the award you want because I will determine which one I think you should get. Good luck!

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