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Welcome to "The Zone" a fansite dedicated to
the work of actor Adrian Grenier. Take your
time searching our pages and learning more
about this talented young up and coming actor!
These pages are for you!

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N e w s & I n f o
Site and Adrian updates!

B i o g r a p h y
Get to know Adrian and his life!

F i l m o g r a p h y
Where to look for Adrien on screen.

L i n k s
Webrings and other Adrian sites by fans.

P i c t u r e s
Browse the many galleries.

A r c a d e
Play many online games in the Arcade!

D e s k t o p
Put Adrien on your desktop with original designs.

M e d i a
Articles and interviews.

F a n F o r u m
A place for on going Adrian conversation with
other fans!

C h a t R o o m
A real time web chat.

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