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Muscle Disorders

Muscle cramps are very common during (but more commonly after) exercise. Research has pointed to several theories about why they happen:

*low blood sugar
*salt imbalances after sweating
*extreme heat or cold

Skeletal muscle cramps during exercise when muscles are shortened repeatedly and they are not stretched out. The muscle then gets fatigued, and does not relax well. This can lead to a sustained contraction in the muscle, also known as a cramp.

Overexertion of muscles can tear a muscle in the middle of the body.

Astronauts must exercise in a zero-gravity environment. Without gravity as a resistance, muscles undergo atrophy, bones weaken, and blood swells towards the head.

"Bird legs" is the condition of thin legs because of fluid loss.

Muscular Dystrophy is an inherited disease which is the degenerating of muscle. It is spotted in toddlers. Clumsiness, difficulty lifting arms or legs, and slurred speech are signs of MD.

Hypothermia is the loss of body temperature below 90 degrees Fahrenheit. A temperature below 90 degrees can be life threatening.