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Lee grew up in show business. His father, using the stage name of Quincy Snodgrass had to miss a gig the night that Lee was born. Lee was so anxious to absorb living that he made his first appearance into this world just a tad bit early. He was born in the elevator somewhere around the ninth floor on August 27,1947.

As a child, Lee had the opportunity to listen to some of the greatest names in the Country and Western music industry. His father not only worked on a television show, Town Hall Party, which featured a different artist each week for nine years straight, but Quincy also toured with Tex Ritter for over 30 years. Lee made his first television debut at the age of seven while strumming a banjo and proudly showing off his new Nuties suit.  Merle Travis taught Lee how to play a guitar. Johnny Cash gave him his first rifle. Gene Autry was a highlight in Lee’s life. Tex Ritter’s sons, John and Tom were his steadiest of friends, being that their dads worked together. He even had the enjoyment of having Cheetah from the Tarzan movies live in the family home.  

As Lee grew older, he veered away from the C and W scene and ventured into the Rock and Roll world. His life mirrored that of “American Graffiti” for a while. Like his father before him, Lee’s love of life made it hard for anyone to consider him anything but a friend. His full understanding of the recording business made it easy for him to help others get started in the music industry. Others were also inspired by Lee’s faith in God.

In his early twenties, he worked with groups such as Denny Doherty of (The Mamas and Papas) doing background vocals. During 1974 after working a bit with CSNY, he road managed Veronique Sanson for Stephen Stills. Lee became lifetime friends with Calvin “Fuzzy” Samuel who played bass for CSNY.

   Over the next few years, he shared his expertise and experience with a few groups. During 1976 Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, he provided road management and sound and later, the group Ace, providing road management and lights. 

He then moved off to Atlanta, Ga. in 1978 where he worked with The Jerome Olds Band, Pyro, Tommy Talten Band, and Tall Dogs with Jaimo (from the Allman Brother's Band).  Lee then spent some time at Axis Recording Studio, and working with Full Tilt featuring Richard Bell (Janis Joplin's Full Tilt Boogie Band) and Jim Weider (The Jim Weider Band).

Embracing life in the light to it’s fullest, Lee decided to leave show business and raise his children away from the publicity. He never quit writing and playing music and thankfully, now that the children are grown, Lee is once again going public with his songs.

His musical roots run deep and the styles of the numerous players have been varied. Curtis Mayfield once said that if anyone should know that Lee was a great songwriter, he should know. Curtis’ faith has helped Lee to continue his writing as well as others that have now gone from his life, but not his heart. Quincy, Curtis,  Merle, John, Cass, Denny, and so many others that have shared their lives with Lee, all are felt from within as the music flows.  

Lee has also played his original songs all over the United States, Canada, England, & Europe.





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