Title: Chevron Seven, Locked

Author: MajelB

E-Mail: majelitab@lycos.com 

Status: Complete

Category: thoughts, humor

Season: any

Rating: G

Content Warnings: none

Summary: Just standing at the bottom of the ramp…



  “Chevron two engaged.”

  “So, Carter, anything exciting on P4A-9… whatever?” Colonel Jack O’Neill asked his 2IC. Carter looked over to her left at him and smiled.

  “Absolutely, Sir. We wouldn’t be going if there weren’t. The UAV detected some Naquadah in the hills just south of the gate and there wasn’t any evidence of a Goa’uld presence either.”

  “Chevron three engaged.”

  “No, Carter. I said exciting. And was that a forest I saw on the MALP readouts? You know how I feel about trees, Carter,” Jack replied, teasingly. Sam rolled her eyes and looked over at Daniel, who was squinting up at the gate as he cleaned his glasses on his jacket, smiling a little to himself.

  “Chevron four engaged.”

  Jack was actually in a pretty good mood. He’d had a big, leisurely oatmeal breakfast, a peaceful drive to the base, and all that was waiting for him on his desk was a very small stack of paperwork. On his way to the briefing for their mission to P4A-whatever, he had even met up with Teal’c.

  “Chevron five engaged.”

  He’d told him another one of those terrible Jaffa jokes. Surprisingly enough, it was actually funny. Thinking about it, Jack almost started laughing again right there at the bottom of the ramp.

  “Chevron six engaged.”

  “Teal’c just told me the best joke!” Jack had announced upon his arrival in the briefing room, wiping a tear from his eye. Carter and Daniel groaned. Jack had ignored them and proceeded to repeat the joke to the rest of his team. When he finished, he started laughing again, completely oblivious to the fact that Carter and Daniel were just staring at him.

  “I do not believe your delivery was adequate, O’Neill,” Teal’c had said, sending Sam and Daniel into a fit of laughter. Jack suddenly sobered, and threw Carter a look that had ‘No giggling, Major,’ written all over it, making her laugh even harder.

  “Chevron seven, locked.” The wormhole plumed out and settled into the familiar shimmering blue pool at the top of the ramp.

  “Did I miss something here, people?” General Hammond had asked, a bit stunned as he entered the briefing room from his office to find three very red-faced and out-of-breath people and one straight-faced Jaffa. Teal’c had raised one of those infamous eyebrows and Jack couldn’t help but start laughing again, despite the glare he had gotten from his CO.

  “SG-1, you have a go. See you in three days, Colonel,” General Hammond’s voice came over the PA. Jack nodded up to the control room.

  “Let’s move out, kids,” Jack said, gesturing grandly toward the gate.

They stepped through.  


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