Title: Half a Second of Joy

Author: MajelB

E-Mail: majelitab@lycos.com 

Status: Complete

Category: thoughts, humor

Season: any

Rating: PG

Content Warnings: very mild violence

Summary: A desperate situation... sans angst.



Daniel jumped to his feet upon hearing the door slide open, shrugging off the sudden pain in his head. He squinted a bit, trying to make out the features of the figure in front of him. He heard a stifled groan behind him and he knew Teal’c was trying to help Jack struggle to his feet. Sam was still in the far corner of the stark cell, asleep under a pile of the team members’ jackets. Apophis was smiling.

After so many times slipping through his fingers, these rather annoying Taur’i and his traitorous former first prime were finally his.

Daniel was trapped in the moment. There was no way out this time. It had been days since the team had set foot on P4G-288. Since then, the group had been shot, “ringed” aboard Apophis’ mothership, healed, tortured and almost killed, healed again, kicked around some more, and stuffed back into this little box. ‘Yup,’ thought Daniel, ‘This pretty much sucks.’ Daniel looked at Apophis, over to Jack and Teal’c, to Sam, and back to Apophis. After all that they had been through, he figured they deserved half a second of joy. “What the hell,” he said with gleeful anticipation. Jack looked at him questioningly, Teal’c raised an eyebrow, Sam stirred a little in her sleep, Apophis was still smiling, and Daniel smacked the grin off Apophis’ face with a power and speed that he never saw coming.

Now Daniel was smiling, Jack had begun to laugh, painfully, Teal’c raised the other eyebrow, Sam snored on, and Apophis, well… he was rather upset, but grinned again when it suddenly occurred to him that there were still three burly, well-armed Jaffa standing in the doorway. In an almost mocking tone, Apophis sang out, “Kree!” and waved his hand toward Daniel.

Before he could jump out of the way, Daniel was on the ground, hurting a lot, but still smiling. Apophis, satisfied for the moment, turned swiftly on his heel and strutted out the door. As it closed behind him, Sam sat up suddenly, took a quick look around and scrunched up her face in puzzlement.

“What’d I miss?”

Daniel just kept smiling.


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