Slashfic by DebiC


The Discussion That Never Was

Pairing: Jack/Daniel

Rating: NC-17

Summary: Are the rumors that are circulating about Colonel and his conquests true?

Indiana Jackson

Pairing: Jack/Daniel

Rating: NC-17

Summary: A 'Slave' Sale at the SGC. Lot # 13: Dr. Daniel Jackson, Archeologist, Linguist, Babe.

Coffee, Sleep and Me

Pairing: Jack/Daniel

Rating: NC-17

Summary: To much coffee not enough sleep, Jack drops by.

The Search

Pairing: Pre-slash, Jack/Daniel

Rating: NC-17

Summary: On a routine expedition the Team is attacked and Captain Carter and Doctor Jackson disappear.

Search Pattern

Pairing: Jack/Daniel

Rating: NC-17

Summary: This takes place immediately after my story The Search, and examines the effect of Daniel's experiences and return to the SGC and Jack O'Neill.

The Forever Love Series

Pairing: Jack/Daniel

Rating: NC-17

Forever May Not be Long Enough for My Love

Summary: This is a Meridian Fix It story. Jack and Daniel belong together...just ask them.

This World is Never Enough

Summary: What happens at the cabin after Daniel returns and why he did.

Just How Far I'd Travel, Just How Far Would I Go

Summary: This is a Meridian Fix story, third in a series. Jack and Daniel belong together...just ask them. 

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