Titile: Photochick, Interrupted

Author: MajelB

Email: majelitab@lycos.com

Status: complete

Series: Third in the One-Hour Photo series. Follows Back to the Lab, though the order doesn't really  matter. 

Rating: PG

Season: Whenever

Summary: Photochick gets a present. 

Spoilers: none

Warnings: mild language

Author’s notes: This is the sequel I didn’t think I would write. A few months ago, I put out two other stories starring Photochick, and they actually got pretty positive responses… but they are so close to being OT, I didn’t think I’d do another one. However, the other night at work, my imagination ran away with me. The following is something of a fantasy… hehehe… I only wish this sort of thing happened to me. <g> so, you’re warned… this is very, very close to being OT, but Devra encouraged me to share. And I just couldn’t sit on the sidelines during the Founder’s Celebration. Hope you enjoy it. It’s really too short to even bother with a summary… :) 

Wednesday, 9:15 pm- Truth be told, I really love my job. I love sitting back in this lab and watching people’s lives flash up on a screen and then actually print out on paper. Granted, I know it’s temporary… just meant to help me get through school and eventually get a so-called “real job,” but until then, I have to admit that I’m perfectly content where I am.

Except when an endless stream of customers just decide to shower me with attention, all of 45 minutes before close. You know, sometimes I feel like the most popular gal in town.

Much to my dismay.

But finally… *finally* the short lady with the bright blue hair has brought her 45 minutes of getting to intimately know the Picture Maker to a close and I am free to enjoy the good stuff. Maintenance.

That’s right… no magical filter changing, crossover cleaning, chemical draining maintenance fairy here. No siree Bob. Just humble little me… hoping that no one else comes in so I can finish my work in peace.

Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to try and ring up someone’s pictures wearing huge rubber gloves?

9:21 pm- Okay, so when someone’s working with chemicals and stuff, OSHA demands safety in the workplace… unfortunately ignoring any resulting crimes of fashion. The PPE, personal protective equipment, is meant to be worn. Generally speaking, though, it’s all too much of a hassle. I mean, come on… goggles, bright blue plastic apron, 3-sizes-too-big blue and yellow rubber gloves, even little cotton footies for your shoes. Yeah, right.

Anyway, when I’m doing the shut down maintenance for the processors, I at least wear the gloves, because nine times out of ten, I’ve been biting my nails and if anything gets under my cuticles, it hurts like a mother. And, I usually wear the apron, because I’ve ruined too many of my favorite clothes due to accidental splashage and spillage of chemicals.

But I would *never* wear the googles. I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I mean, it looks *silly*! It’s bad enough that I’m walking around the store looking like Dexter’s mom with the apron and gloves up to my armpits.

Recently, however, I’ve noticed a disturbing trend. I wear contacts, and I’ve noticed that every Thursday morning after I close, I’ve had to break out a new pair, because the old ones hurt and give me a headache. After relating this story to a photoguy friend of mine, he reminded me of something… soft contact lenses can absorb the fumes released by the chemicals. And while they’re not like, toxic, by any stretch of the imagination, they can irritate the hell out of sensitive tissue… like one’s eyes.

And, when I’m doing the night maintenance on the film processor, I’ve literally got my face 6 inches away from a veritable pool of the stuff for like, 10 minutes straight.

Heh. Problem identified.

9:23 pm- I open the supply closet, warily eyeing the safety gear. I pull out my gloves, the apron, laugh a bit at the ridiculous mental image of running around with those little cotton footies on over my tennis shoes, then get dressed. Once properly attired, I walk back over to the supply closet. Nobody else wears the goggles either. There are like, 6 brand new, unopened pairs, so I can take my pick.

Of several dreary choices.

I mean, they’re *goggles*. And not the cool kind, either. Not the kind that Norm Abrams gets to wear when he’s like, working a table saw or something. You know, the ones that look like shadeless sunglasses. No, these are the godawful things like you had to wear in high school chemistry. *goggle* goggles. Complete with bright blue elastic headband.

I groan, take a deep breath, and pull them up over my head, resting them on my nose and tightening the band. Eww… watch the fine Pharmacist walk by and start laughing at me… I open up the film processor and start taking pieces out… need to wash this… take a toothbrush and scrub that… o/’ Scrub, scrub, scrub the gunk. Scrub the rollers clean. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, I’m the photo queen… o/’

9:25 pm- “Excuse me…”

I jump at a voice at the counter behind me… son of a bitch… I hate it when this happens… I turn around and away from my toothbrushes and squirty bottles to see a tall blonde standing at the counter, an apologetic look on her face and a roll of film in her hand. I actually smile at the sight.

“Major Carter! Out late tonight., huh?” I say, peeling the gloves off my hands and resting the goggles on top of my head.

She smiles, glad to see I’m not mad at her for interrupting. How could I be mad? She’s one of my best customers… along with a pretty heady contingent of others from Cheyenne mountain. We have… an understanding. A sort of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ understanding. But I can still look, and my… the pictures are interesting…

“I, uh… really love your new haircut..”

Again, how could I possibly be mad?

“What can I do for you?” I ask, smiling. 

“I am so so so sorry… I know it’s late, but these are… really kind of important and I wasn’t able to get them done at work before I left…” she says, setting her roll of Kodak Advantix film on the counter. She always struck me as one of those people who loves like, new fangled gadgets and stuff… ooh, I bet she has one of those cool little Elph cameras…

“I, ah… I was just about to shut down the machine…”

“Oh…” she bites her lower lip in frustration.

“But… I think I can manage to get ‘em done tonight… they’ll be ready in the morning, okay? It’s the best I can do.”

Her eyes get wide and I smile bigger. Every once in a while, I get the chance to truly amaze someone… I love that.

“Uh… wow. Thanks. Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it…”

“No problem.”

She turns and walks away, taking a few steps before stopping and turning just a bit… “Ah, two sets!”


Let’s see what we’ve got here… no way in hell does anybody get do these pictures but me…

*           *            *            *

Thursday, 4:00 pm- “Hey!” says the day photolady as I drop my jacket in the corner and don my blue smock. Ready for another night of *stimulating* work.

“Hey,” I reply. “How are things?”

She smiles. “Fine, fine… oh, some lady who picked up her pictures this morning left this for you…” She hands me a brown paper lunch bag.

“Hmmm… thanks…” I set the bag down on the back counter and open it up. There’s a not sitting on top of something else…

*More of a math girl, myself,* is says, *But I’ve done the goggle headband thing, too. Thanks again for last night. S. Carter.*

I smile to myself and look back down into the bag. I reach in and pull out… oh, cool! New goggles! The cool Norm Abrams kind… with a nifty purple edge at the top and adjustable earpieces… and no bright blue elastic band!

I can’t wait to do the maintenance tonight and try them on!

See? Being nice pays off.

The End

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