AIM to Please

By Devra and MajelB

I open my laptop... my hidden prize from Daniel. Not being used for research or downloading or playing games... well maybe playing games, but not of the ‘kill the alien variety’. Frankly, and this surprises Daniel, I’m a Solitaire kinda guy. 

I follow the steps that Daniel showed me... First, hit the little walking guy… I look around the screen for a minute, chewing my lips in concentration as I wait impatiently for all the various screen to pop up... first one, then another... and I stalwartly continue, following Daniel's directions to the "t".

I wonder what AIM stands for…

And then… mission accomplished.

wileykyot: hello daniel
wileykyot: put down the coffee and typeto me....shit...hate these keyboards
rkeyolochest: oh... slurp... jack. how are you this lovely evening?
wileykyot: woundlaj damn.....wouldn't the telephone be easier, daniel.
wileykyot: can i type dirty to you...
wileykyot: put down the book and pay attention to me...
rkeyolochest: ah, but this is more fun, jack... yeah... type dirty to me... ;-) ooh, aren't these emoticons fun?
wileykyot: do they have one that looks like a penis
wileykyot: ?
rkeyolochest: i'm sure if you *play around* for a little while, you could *cum* *up* with something pretty close...
wileykyot: why can't you cum....ooops....hate this typewriter...come over here and play
rkeyolochest: see... this is why typing is so much better than the phone, jack... all the innuendo is *sooo* clear... <beg>
wileykyot: what the belal shit daniel...what the hell is beg? i mean i know what i would like it to mean/
wileykyot: i hate laptop keyboards daniel...i want a reagular one like the one in the office
rkeyolochest: big evil grin, jack. big *evil* grin...
wileykyot: whatcha wearing?
rkeyolochest: umm...
rkeyolochest: socks...
wileykyot: do not...DO NOT tell me nothing
wileykyot: except socks
wileykyot: aren't you cold....
rkeyolochest: well... what do you want? a thesis on my state of *undress*? <G>
wileykyot: don't you need someone to warm you
wileykyot: up!
rkeyolochest: oh, i'm up, jack... i'm very *up*... always for you...
wileykyot: can i come over and play????
wileykyot: with you ?
wileykyot: with it?
rkeyolochest: no! I'm *working*... and we have to work *tomorrow*... we have to play by the rules, jack...
wileykyot: i can't type only using one hand though
rkeyolochest: oh, that's just filthy... ;-O
wileykyot: nice open mouth on your yellow guy daniel
rkeyolochest: what the mere *Thought* of me doesn't do it for you? :-)
rkeyolochest: I do try...
wileykyot: always...just wanna touch
wileykyot: warm
wileykyot: body
wileykyot: hot
wileykyot: body
rkeyolochest: how warm... how warm jack... *where* are you warm...
wileykyot: daniel ...i'm on my way over to show you where and how warm
rkeyolochest: oh, no you don't... you made the rules... you gotta stick to em. no fun on sunday nights.
rkeyolochest: but i'm sure we can have fun in *other* ways... you never told me what you're wearing jack...
wileykyot: don't wanna play
wileykyot: my bathrobe
rkeyolochest: jack, are you *pouting*?
wileykyot: and socks
wileykyot: can i come over if i am pouting
wileykyot: what the fuck are those *
rkeyolochest: that big, thick, steamy-warm bathrobe? arent' you a little *hot* in that thing? maybe you should take it off...
rkeyolochest: jeez... I swear to god, you are so clueless... they're meant for *emphasis*... now quit spoiling the mood and get to the bathrobe...
wileykyot: why aren't we talking on the i can do...talking dirty on computelkja is hard..i keep misspellling things
rkeyolochest: do you really think i care about your poor spelling and grammar?
wileykyot: my hands are good for touching...not typeing
wileykyot: did i say my grammar was my grammar bad?
rkeyolochest: no... christ, i never... aw, shit... what are you gonna go all girlie on me now and start twisting my words?
wileykyot: girlie....girlie...come over here and sayd tha tto my face
wileykyot: shit...ow look what you got me so angry i'm typinal shit daniel
rkeyolochest: aw, fuck it... where the hell are my pants...
rkeyolochest: i'm coming over. make sure that damn bathrobe is *off* when I get there...
wileykyot: dont you get all pissy on me now
wileykyot: make me take it off!
rkeyolochest: not pissy... just a little *frustrated*... god, I want you right now... why do you have to go and do this to me?
wileykyot: did i tell you i am wearing NOTHING****** under the robe....
wileykyot: find your pants yet?
rkeyolochest: well, it was kind of implied... how the hell am i supposed to look for my pants while my hands are otherwise occupied.
wileykyot: thinking of you of my body are thinking *very hard* about you!
wileykyot: what the helll are your hands doing!!!!
wileykyot: put them where i can see them
rkeyolochest: get your mind out of the gutter
rkeyolochest: although... i am starting to see your points in favor of using the phone...
rkeyolochest: oh, jack...
wileykyot:'s the heavy breathing that gets you isn't it
rkeyolochest: I'm smacking my lips... they're all glossy and moist and soft...
wileykyot: *banging head against laptop screen* pleeeeeeeeeaaassseeeeeee
wileykyot: carressing laptop screen
rkeyolochest: i'm breathing hard and my chest is bowing out and caving in... i'm imagining you rubbing your fingers into that little indentation at my sternum that you like so much...
wileykyot: maneuvering laptop onto my this the closest you are going to get to me tonight daniel!!!!!!
rkeyolochest: my hair is all messy... my glasses are off... I just showered, so my hair is still damp... and it smells great... ooooohhhhh
wileykyot: am i your cammander
wileykyot: commander
rkeyolochest: I'm gently, slowly, erotically sipping from a cup of hot, steaming coffee with ammaretto and bailey's... i taste like it, jack...
rkeyolochest: jack. *jack*. jaaaaaaccccccc-kkkk
wileykyot: turning off aim NOW ...which stands for ain't in me!!!!!!
rkeyolochest: the only reason you should be turning that goddamn computer off is to get into your car and drive over here... clothing for the ride is optional
rkeyolochest: clothing when you get here is forbidden
wileykyot: turning it off...stay right where you are...hold those thoughts...but not yourself...don't start without typing wiht one hand as i am putting on my pants UNDER my robe..commando... not shirt....
rkeyolochest: mmmmmm, jack... hurry. i'll be waiting...

I don’t even bother to turn off the computer. <eg>

Feedback to Devra and MajelB

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