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Southern California Adventure

Day 1: Idyllwild and Hurkey Creek Campground

Monday, April 22, 2002

Well, although my intention was to leave the Phoenix area at about 4am, a late night beforehand pushed the departure time back to 6am.  The drive to Idyllwild only took 5 hours, so some time was spent driving around Idyllwild, Idyllwild Campground and Hurkey Creek Campground where a 24 Hours of Adrenaline race is held every September.  A short trip down the mountain into Hemet gave a good perspective on the Santa Rosa mountain area.

Camping in a developed campground is kind of an unusual experience for me.  Normally I prefer to camp in areas that are not official campgrounds – just areas in the middle of nowhere that I enjoy being in.  Nonetheless, the campground was virtually empty and the pine trees and surrounding mountains gave a nice backdrop.  Simply throw a sleeping bag into the back of the van and viola!  Instant camping!  Don't even need to worry about water, bathroom or a shower!

Camp Alex at Hurkey Creek

The Course
In a word: a short, VERY sandy, tight single-track 9.25 mile loop with a couple of short hill climbs followed up with fast descents and finishing with over 1 mile on asphalt making for about 1 to 1.5 hour solo lap times for me (OK - so maybe that was more than one word).  I think that it is going to be a pain in the ass for me to let the faster riders blow by the slow solo rider because of the limited passing areas.  Great.

On the first day I put in 3 laps in a little over 3 hours at a relaxed pace.  Definitely a short, fast course but I still will need to refuel after each lap due to the hill climbs.

Morning in Camp Alex - Which Way to the Coffee?

This Sure Beats Working

Day 2 allowed for another quick lap before heading out in search of the famed San Juan trail in Cleveland National Forest near San Juan Castrato.

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