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Just a wee slash drabble: I was chatting with some of the other fair denizens of the Flats yesterday and a little plot bunny hopped on through. Daniel, Jack, strawberry whipped cream. You see where this is going I'm sure. Anywho, as one of the newer residents of Tokra Flats, I offer this little bit up as thanks for the great welcome. Not alpha'd, beta'd or anything of the sort. Just me being silly. Feedback encouraged but be gentle please, I'm a nervous writer. :-D --kalee RATED R (just because)


Oops : A Slash Drabble by Kalee


"Oh god, Yes! Jack! Who knew?" Daniel panted and writhed attempting to gain purchase on the satin sheets.

Jack glanced up at his lover's face and grinned wolfishly at the ecstatic expression, then returned to his task. His strong, facile tongue lapping at the whipped cream spread liberally all over the younger man's body.

Practically humming at the sweet deliciousness of strawberries, cream and the unique taste of Daniel, Jack lovingly worked his way down.

Blue eyes squeezed shut, Daniel was moaning in frustrated desire, gasping for air with each touch of the older man's tongue.

"Oh, my . . . " Daniel's voice faltered and broke, "Jack?!"


"Something's burning."

"I don't smell anything."

"No, my skin is starting to burn."

Jack looked at the glistening chest and abdomen. "Uh, Daniel?"

"Ow, that's really beginning to burn! What?"

"Are you allergic to strawberries?"


Jack dropped his head to the reddening stomach. "Oh for cryin' out loud."