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Title: Stories from the Table: V.I.P Room.

Author: Kiva

Date: 19th March '03


Rating; G

Pairing: None Category: Angst, Hurt/Comfort.

Status: Finished

Season/Spoilers: Er.....Minor one for Rites Of Passage, and also kind of for my last table fic. Yep, that's right folks...I'm referencing my own fic these days ; ) And perhaps an obscure one for Singularity.

Archive ; Anyone wants it, they just gotta ask.

Synopsis: The table is on hiatus, of sorts. But is a good table's work ever really done? Plus, Cassandra is waiting for her mom......but why is she so down?

Notes: Er, kinda bored.....was writing Cassie in another fic and the demanding little madam demanded to be included in something else. As for Daniel....what can I say....I'm obsessed.....; ) Not Beta'd, and finished at 1:50 in the morning (Damn Muses). All mistakes my own, including any UK spelling that may have crept in.

Warnings: None.

Disclaimer; The characters of Stargate SG1 are not mine, nor do I lay any claims on them. This is for entertainment purposes only.

Stories from the Table: VIP Room

I am a table. I am a rectangular four-foot wide by eight-foot long, golden oak table with lots of grain, a leg on each corner, and a polyurethane sealant. This is important, because though it removes me from the level of `fine' furniture, it adds to my versatility and my longevity. I was purchased in the early 90's by the U.S. Air Force Quartermaster in a spasm of upgrades for the offices of NORAD. After I was delivered I was reassigned to a priority slot in a new command under the mountain cryptically referred to as SGC. I can seat eight formally, ten comfortably, and twelve friendly. Because I was purchased without chairs, I knew that my life would be one of utilitarianism not formal dining. In other words, I'll see a lot of service of all kinds.

My current residence a room referred to as a V.I.P suite. I was placed in here for storage purposes, as this room is not occupied, and I am not of use for now. Time passes, and the door is opened, light spilling in from the corridor. Another light is switched on, this one above me, illuminating the two figures in the doorway.

"Now Cass, just wait here, okay?" It is Small Lady Janet who speaks. "I'll only be a few minutes."

"Okay," the other mobile replies, coming further into the room. I recognize her as Young Lady Cassandra, Small Lady Janet's offspring. I have seen her before, usually visiting her mother. The door is closed as Small Lady Janet retreats, and Young Lady Cassandra sighs. She then steps forward, ignoring the other seating pieces in the room, to sit on my top.

She begins to swing her legs, the heels of her boots catching on my own legs. She begins to hum to herself, a tune or song that I do not recognize.

The door suddenly opens, admitting Tall Civilian Daniel.

"Hey Cass," he says, his tone bright.

"Hey," Young Lady Cassandra replies, her legs continuing their restless movements.

Daniel frowns, placing the file that he is holding down, and coming to sit on my surface next to Young Lady Cassandra. "Your mom asked me to wait with you....she figured you might get bored."

Cassandra does not answer, simply shrugging her shoulders.

Tall Daniel shifts, his posterior sliding across my top. "You okay?" he asks, concern in his voice. I briefly reflect on the fact that I have been present on many occasions when the same has been questioned of Daniel.

"I'm fine."

It appears Cassandra has picked up one of his stock answers as well.

Daniel nods, shifting a little more on my surface. Although time means little to me, I believe it can not have been long since Daniel sustained injuries, on the mission I have heard Tall Military Jack refer to as FUBAR. After mission FUBAR, I witnessed O'Neill comfort Tall Daniel, reaching out to him in much the same way as Daniel now reaches for Cassandra.

"Uh huh," he drawls. "That why you're sitting in the V.I.P room, looking like your favorite actor just declared he was gay or cut his hair or something you teenagers get upset about."

Cassandra looks up. "That has to be one of *the* weirdest things I have ever heard you say."

It is hard to catch Daniel's reply. "You obviously weren't at my last lecture, then," he mumbles.

"Besides," Young Lady Cassandra continues. "I would never be *that* into an actor."

Daniel nods again. "Really? What about that time you bought all those posters of that weird vampire guy from that show with the little blond, then cried when he got killed off or staked or something."

Cassandra splutters for a few seconds. "That was totally different," she protests. After a moment, she sighed. "You've been talking to mom, haven't you?"

Daniel chuckles. "Yep. You wouldn't believe the blackmail material I have on you, Cass. So spill.....or else Jack finds out who it *really* was who dinged his truck...I seem to remember something about an unauthorized - and unsupervised , I might add - driving lesson a little while ago."

Cassandra groans. "God, alright, fine! Nothing is wrong with me, it's just....."

"It's just what?" prods Daniel. His tone is no longer playful, instead, it is gentle as he tries to coax the young woman to speak.

"I had a stupid fight with one of my friends, okay? Nothing major."

"Nothing major, huh? It sounds major to me."

Young Lady Cassandra shrugs again. "It was so stupid....I didn't feel like doing something with her 'cause I was going out with Dominic - who, thankfully, still doesn't think I'm some weird mutant freak after what happened on my birthday - and she was disappointed. The next day, she seemed totally cool about it. Until..."


"Until I was talking about Dominic, and she said something under her breath. I asked her what she said, and she wouldn't tell me. The next thing I know, we're both having a screaming match. I er.....I kinda lost my temper....a little."

Daniel laughs under his breath. "Cassandra *Fraiser*? Losing her temper? Surely not."

Cassandra joins in the amusement with a chuckle of her own. "I may not have been born on this planet, but I'm a Fraiser now." Her voice regains it's sadness. "Anyway....I said something about her.....God, I don't even remember what.....and she said...."

"Said what?"

I feel something wet drip on to my surface as Young Lady Cassandra averts her face from Daniel. "She said.....that I was just a little orphan freak.....and that I was probably only adopted out 'cause my parents didn't want me."

Daniel shifts even closer to Cassandra, putting his arm around her shoulders. She turns then, wrapping her own arms around his waist.

"I'm sorry, Cass. You found out the hard way one lesson of friendship."

"What's that?" she asks, her voice muffled in Daniel's chest.

"That the best of friends......make the worst of enemies. Think about it......who else knows all your secrets? Your fears, your hopes.......and your weaknesses."

Cassandra sniffs. "How did you learn that?"

Daniel sighs. "The hard way, of course. With Jack O'Neill. At one point Cass, something happened. Maybe it was a fight, maybe it was something we just hadn't resolved between us. But for a while......we weren't really friends. We bantered but it Hard. We knew each others strengths and weaknesses, and we both took advantage of them, exploiting them to gain points. Eventually, we realized, that no one was taking score. That we didn't have to fight anymore."

"And you're back to being friends now," Cassandra says. " How did you fix it?"

"Oh, all it took was one night of sitting down, talking. Some beer. And getting in touch with our emotions......not fun, I can tell you."

Cassandra laughs.

"It also took realizing, that we were both to blame. That we both had to apologize if we wanted to move on."

Cassandra nods. "I said some bad stuff.....but so did she."

"Well then, why don't you call her......ask her to meet you someplace. Then sit down and discuss it, like Jack and I did." He is silent for a moment. "Just, take away the beer from the plan, okay?"

"Spoilsport," Cassandra grumbles.

"'Fraid so...I do *not* want to think of the things your mom would do to me if she found out I'd been encouraging you to drink beer."

Cassandra seems to think it through. "You're right," she decides. "I probably wouldn't wish that on anyone."

They pull back, both smiling at each other. "Thank you, Daniel," Cassandra says.

"No problem," is the reply. Before either can speak again, the door opens once more, and Small Lady Janet is there. "Cass? It's time to go, honey."

"'Kay mom," the young woman replies, jumping down off my top and giving Daniel a quick peck on the cheek. "See you, Daniel."

"'Bye Cass."

Cassandra walks out of the room, giving her mother a large, happy smile. After she is gone, Small Lady Janet lingers in the doorway. "Thank you," she finally mouths to Daniel, giving the seated man a large smile before following her offspring. Daniel sits a moment longer, then stands up, picking up his folder before switching off the lights, exiting the room as the others had.

I am a table. I have legs to support, but no arms to comfort. I cannot reach out.......but I can serve those who can.

The End.