Hai There

Days Until I'm 21

Name: Tara
Age: 20
Height: 5'8"
Home: Chilliwack

Here's a big survey i filled out at work.. not very exciting..


-First best friend: Kristin
-First real memory of something: Disneyland with my family and elise and her family
-First Job: Babysitting
-First self purchased album: probably something like the spice girls or backstreet boys
-First funeral: never been to one
-First pets: A dog named sparky
-First piercing/tattoo: other than my ears.. belly button.
-First credit card: Visa...
-First enemy: i don't remember her name..
-First big trip: DISNEYLAND
-First play/musical/performance: i said like three lines in a christmas play in like grade 3 or something
-First musician you remember hearing in your house: bob marley

-Last big car ride: Seattle
-Last good cry: i don't consider cries good because they make my face puff up like a balloon...last night..
-Last library book checked out: fionavar tapestry
-Last movie seen: in theater? 007 casino royale
-Last beverage drank: Brisk ice tea
-Last food consumed: Dutch crunch.. Mosquite BBQ chips
-Last TV show watched: i don't remember..
-Last time showered: yesterday morning
-Last shoes worn: my airwalk runners.. i'm wearing them now. they're the only shoes i wear unless i'm stupposed to look pretty or something like that.
-Last CD played: data cd full of music
-Last item bought: i bought a dart board for mike for christmas
-Last annoyance: the last customer that called me.. what a jerk.. i'm at work
-Last pop drank: Barqs rootbeer
-Last ice cream eaten: cherry something
-Last shirt worn: it's red and black and white and gold and has 3 quarter length sleeves
-Last (current) best friend: kristin and nikki and matt.

[01] what's your first name? Tara
[02] middle name? Lynn
[03] last name? Ragan
[04] nicknames? Roo
[05] age? 20
[06] gender? female
[08] your sign? Virgo
[09] where do you live? Bole ave. chilliwack.
[10] do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yes
[12] have you ever been in love? yes
[13] who were your crushes? hmm... in the elementary school years there was... lets see.. ryan...tyler...and during the awekward middle school years there was...umm.. like.. no one... except a couple of my trailer park boys i suppose lol. and this guy ryan.. and mike. then in highschool... ken.. luke(very short lived).. joel... umm.. eric... Mike mike mike mike mike.. i know there were more but they obviously weren't worth remembering.
[14] do you have any piercings, or want any piercings? yes i have piercings.
[15] if so what do you have/want? i have my belly button and my tongue.. i don't want any more.
[16] do you have a tattoo or want one? don't have one.. do want one
[17] if so what kind and where? not telling
[18] where do you shop at the most? The sub
[20] what color are your eyes? Brown
[21] how tall are you? 5'8"
[23] do you smoke? no
[24] do your friends smoke? Yes
[25] who are your closest friends? krikkimatt
[26] who are your friends? they are my only
[27] who are your best friends online? i don't have online friends
[28] do you like bath & body works? meh
[29] kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use? pantene
[30] is your hair short or long? middle.
[31] do you like to shop? sometimes
[32] what sports do you play? eww
[33] what turns you on? my boy.
[34] what turns you off? stupidity
[35] what place do you go for fun? billiards
[36] what do you do for fun? drink.. play pool.. watch movies.. boy
[37] how many phones do you have in your house? 2.. they're cell phones cuz we're too cool for land phones and we want tumors and such.
[38] how many tv's do you have in your house? three..
[39] what's your favorite food(s)? BLT.. spinach and artichoke dip
[40] do you look like anyone famous? Johnny depp
[41] do you think ricky martin is muy guapo (very handsome)? "and i like that singer who looks like a whore" "ricky martin?" "love him". "we're too different to ever be pals"
[42] who are the most attractive people you know? me
[43] are you a virgin? i'm gorgeous
[44] do you wish to be like your parents? in certain ways i suppose that wouldn't be so bad... umm.. but no
[45] what cologne should a hot guy wear? the one my boy wears.. i don't know what it's called.
[46] what are you listening to right now? whatever devyn is listening too.. sounds rapesque.
[47] what time is it? 5:46
[48] how many hours per day do you spend talking on the phone? hah.. at least 8.. my job is talking on the phone..
[49] do you have your own phone line? yep
[50] have you ever kissed someone of the opposite sex? *giggles* hah.. i hate you
[51] what are your favorite shoes? comfy
[52] what kind of clothes do you sleep in? birthday suit
[53] what's your favorite soda? le coca.
[54] what things do you say a lot? "for fucks sake" in an irish accent...
[56] who is the coolest person in the world? you
[57] do you think you're weird or funny? fuck you
[58] what would you prefer thong or bikini? thong
[59] who was the last person you called? Mike
[60] where do you wanna get married? outside.. garden or beach or something..
[61] who is the hottest girl/guy in your school? i don't go to school
[62] what are your favorite girl names? Jordan
[63] what are your favorite guy names? Jake
[64] what's your worst memory in the past 5 years? Ken
[65] what's your favorite childhood memory? DISNEYLAND
[66] what is your favorite fast food restaurant? the dub
[67] who do you really hate? you
[68] do you have any brothers and sisters? yep
[69] if so, names? Kyla
[70] do you have a pool? nope
[71] do you have a spa? no sir
[72] are you stupid? umm.
[73] what are you addicted to? addiction
[74] do you like jewelery? i like my jewelry
[75] who do you wish you were? myself but not at this stupid job making no stupid money..
[76] who has it easier, boys or girls? boys
[77] would you rather be short or tall? short.. cuz i don't like being taller than the boys..
[78] do you like to dance? sure
[79] do you like playing pranks on people? no
[80] what's your least favorite subject in school? i'm not in school.. but it was deffinitely music history
[81] what's your favorite subject in school? i don't go to school.. lunch..
[82] what time is it? 5:53
[83] what college do you wanna go to? i guess UCFV
[84] what school do you go to now? i told you i don't go to school
[85] do you have a playstation or nintendo 64? playstation 2 biznitch
[85] if so, what are your favorite games? kingdom hearts
[87] do you sleep a lot? sleep is over rated..
[88] what are your favorite radio stations? jack
[90] are you a morning person? hell no.
[91] what's your favorite tv station? famiy guy station
[92] do you shave? Yes.
[93] how often do you shower? enough
[94] do you get along with your parents? Yes..most of the time
[95] what room do you spend the most time in? my living room.
[96] how many rooms does your house have? 6.. 7 if you count the hallway as a room.
[97] what do you wanna be when you're out of school? i'm not in school.. i'm a technical support professional for hewlett packard..
[98] do you curse a lot? i do swear.. i wouldn't consider it a lot.
[99] are you ticklish? yep.
[101] what are you wearing right now? my airwalk shoes.. black comfort socks.. my jeans.. an aqua colored thong.. a red black white and gold colored shirt with 3 quarter sleeves.. a real leather jacket that i got on boxing day.. original price $500 and i got it for $186.. well technically iiii got it for free because mike bought it for me.. i'm also wearing a ring that mike got me last christmas and a neclace that he got me for my 19th birthday.. and i have a headset on my head because i'm at work.
[102] do you go to church? i live by like 5..does that count?
[103] do you like the person who sent you this? I stole it from nikki.
[104] do you believe in god? i live by a church.
[105] do you like to watch pda's? no.
[106] do you show pda? maybe a hug or something
[107] do you believe in love at first sight? no
[108] what color tooth brush do you use? magenta
[109] how many times a day do you brush your teeth? 1 or 2.. sometimes more if i feel gross.
[110] who is your favorite cartoon character? Brian the dog
[111] do you have a job? yes.. i'm a support professional for hewlett packard.
[113] what's your favorite fruit? strawberries. mmmm... strawberries..
[114] what's your favorite veggies? broccoli and green beans.. but only if they're very crispy and covered in salt.. like at the cactus club.. i miss cactus club
[115] what's your favorite candy? the kind with sugar
[116] what was the best day of your life so far? the day me and my boy got together again..
[117] what are you gonna do today? go home and have another stupid night.
[118] are you momma's little angel? nope.
[119] do you wear body spray? perfume.. hypnotic poison.. mm
[120] who is the sweetest girl? me
[121] who is the sweetest guy? mine
[122] are you wearing nail polish now? no
[123] if so, what color? no
[124] how many rings or necklaces do you own? a lot a lot.
[125] do you wear a watch? no.
[126] did/do you have braces? yes i did.
[127] are you tired? Always
[129] do you have freckles? faint ones
[130] what are you thinking right now? why i'm this bored at work
[131] are you having fun? mm...not really
[132] what time is it? 6:12
[133] who makes you laugh? Mike
[134] who's your favorite teacher? i don't go to school
[136] what is the best concert you have ever been to? Guns n roses.. front row floor.. it was fun...
[137] what is your favorite dream? i like dreaming.
[138] what is your worst dream? the ones i forget.
[139] are you tired of filling this out yet? no because i have nothing better to do.. i colored all my pictures already..
[140] who of your friends do you think will get bored with this? no one will read this.. don't kid yourself
[141] who sent this lovely survey to you? I stole it from her nikki
[142] what's your worst memory as a little kid? shh. i'm not telling. it's bad.
[143] have you ever cheated on anyone/been cheated on? i've been cheated on by many.. assholes.
[144] do you believe in santa claus? the legend thing.. yes.. the coke santa..no.
[145] do you believe in ghosts? no..

what's better? choose one or neither

[146] rap or r&b? r&b
[147] pop or rock? Rock
[148] rock or metal? Rock
[149] classical or jazz? jazz
[150] hanson or manson? Neither
[151] koRn or 311? neither
[152] no doubt or garbage? Neither
[153] jewel or fiona apple? Neither
[154] offspring or nine inch nails? NIN
[155] sugar ray or tool? tool.
[156] bakstreet boys or nsync? Neither...but i used to love the backstreet boys.. when i was like 10
[157] joey mcintyre or jordan knight? huh?

your opinions

[158] what do you think about boy bands? they're all pretty boys and remastered to the point that they can't sound bad if they try
[159] what do you think about country? "a term like redneck is a step to far.. the proper term is 'country music star'" it's not bad
[160] what do you think about heavy metal? i like words with my noise.
[161] what do you think about rap? i can talk really fast too..
[162] what do you think about r&b? i don't really listen to r&b
[163] do you think nkotb are coming back? notorious king of the beast.

yes or no or eh

[164] like hanson? No
[165] like *nsync? No
[166] like backstreet boys? No
[167] like koRn? no.
[168] like orgy? i like orgies
[169] like sugar ray? No
[170] like metalica? no
[171] like no doubt? No
[172] like britney spears? No
[173] like aaron carter? No
[174] like b*witched? No
[175] like joey mcintrye? No
[176] like jordan knight? No
[177] like busta rymes? No
[178] like offspring? No
[179] like ricky martin? No
[180] like coolio? No
[181] like janet jackson? No
[182] like spice girl? no. but i used to be one.. i swear.
[183] like all saints? No .
[184] like c-note? who?.
[185] like 98?? No
[186] like 5ive? No
[187] like tlc? No
[188] like take 5? No
[189] like moffats? No
[190] like jennifer love hewit? No.
[191] like dixie chicks? No
[192] like mariah carey? No
[193] like eyc? No
[194] like brandy? No
[195] like eminem? No
[196] like shania twain? No
[197] like monica? No
[198] like mya? No
[200] like blessed unions of soul? umm..
[201] like barenaked ladies? No
[202] like robbie williams? No
[203] like sixpence none the richer? No
[203 MORE] like limp bizkit? no
[203a] do you like the beach boys? No
[203b] do you like def leppard? no
[203c] do you like whitesnake? what the fuck
[203d] do you like queen? sure.
[203e] do you like elton john? sure..
[203f] do you like R? the letter?
[203g] do you like depeche mode? no
[204] how many cd's do you have? lots..
[205] what cd's are in your cd player? stuff
[206] how many tapes do you have? 3
[207] do you own videos of your favorite group? No
[208] do you record your favorite group when they're on tv? no..i just buy the seasons on dvd
[209] are you obbsessed with your favorite group/singer/band? No
[210] what's the oldest group/singer you are still listening to? guns n roses..
[211] are most of your friends music freaks? all of them?
[212] what do you think of the girls and the whole teeny bopper thing? i hate girls.. especially that kind.
[213] have you ever paid for a pay-per-view? not personally.
[215] do you ever buy merchandise of your favorite group? no. actually i bought this sticker collection book thing of the backstreet boys and a envelope of pictures of the spice girls.. come on.. i was 10. shh.
[216] what tv station is better...mtv or vh1? nope
[217] what is the worst show on mtv? i don't like
[218] what is the best show on mtv? i don't like
[219] if you could marry any music person who would it be? a BASS saxophone.. there are only like 10 in the world and they cost millions of dollars...disneyland owns one. they're HUUUUUUUUGE!! i saw it.
[220] what is the worst cd you own? singles individually wrapped.
[221] what's your favorite movie soundtrack? pirates
[223] friend(s) you go to for advice? i don't go to people for advice. i go to people to rant and then..
[224] friend(s) you have the most fun with? nikki kristin matt kyla mike
[225] friend(s) you can do nothing with and still have fun with? all of them.
[226] friend(s) you've dreamt about? probably all of them.
[228] friend(s) you tell your secrets to? they aren't secrets if you tell people.
[229] boxers or briefs? boxers
[230] long or short hair? depends
[231] dark or blonde? i don't really care..
[232] tall or short? taller than me
[234] mr. sensitive or mr. funny? both
[236] dark or light eyes? light
[237] hat or no hat? no hat. hat's just get in the way.
[238] ears pierced or no? meh..
[239] tan or fair? not like alaska pale.. but also not like california tan..
[240] freckles or none? i don't care..
[241] stubble or neatly shaved? Neatly shaved.
[242] rugged outdoorsy type or sportsy type? i like outdoorsy.. rugged can be hot.. it really depends.. rugged but clean
[243] all american, homey g, or grunge? none
[245] accent or american? accent

on preferences

[246] mt. dew or surge? mt. dew
[247] mcdonalds or burger king? mcdicks
[248] coke or pepsi? coke
[249] rather marry the perfect lover or perfect friend? friend
[250] sweet or sour? sour
[251] chocolate or vanilla? chocolate
[252] tea or coffee? Tea
[253] sappy/action/comedy/horror? action-comedy
[254] cats or dogs? both
[256] cool ranch or nacho cheese? Nacho cheese
[257] mud or jello wrestling? jello would be cool
[258] with or without ice-cubes? 3 icecubes.. ONLY 3. no more.. no less :|
[260] milk/dark/white chocolate? milk
[261] shine or rain? shine
[262] top or bottom? top
[263] favorite season? spring
[264] strawberry or cherry? strawberry
[265] skiing or boarding? Skiing
[267] cake or cookies? Cake!
[268] cereal or toast? toast
[269] car or truck? truck
[270] night or day? Night
[271] gloves or mittens? G-loves
[272] pager or cell phone? Cell phone
[273] bunk bed or waterbed? Bunk bed. i don't like waterbeds...
[274] chewing gum or hard candy? gum
[275] motor boat or canoe? Motor boat. canoes are too much work
[276] lights on or off? off

what's your favorite?

[277] what's your favorite color? Blue
[278] what's your favorite number? i don't have one. i'm a loser.
[279] what's your favorite drink? bud
[280] what's your favorite animal? Tiki
[281] what's your favorite holiday? my birthday.. it's a holiday
[282] what's your favorite quote? "hey lois, Diarrhea" "hahaha, peter..i'm holding ice teas"
[283] what's your favorite sound? god
[284] what's your favorite ice cream flavor? i don't like icecream
[285] what's your favorite song ever? I don't have one
[287] what's your favorite movie? pirates.
[288] what's your favorite tv show? Family Guy
[289] what's your favorite radio station? ...refer to the last time you asked this.
[291] what's your favorite game? family guy trivia.. i got it for christmas.
[292] what's your favorite scent? boy
[293] what's your favorite food? hasn't changed..
[294] what's your favorite shape? star
[295] what's your favorite texture? soft or something like it.
[296] what's your house gonna look like? nice sized.. not too big because i want to travel and not be stopped by my morgage.
[297] do you want pets? yes
[298] how many kids do you want? Two

on relationships

[299] what does your ideal girlfriend/boyfriend look like? Mike
[300] how do they act? Like Mike
[301] where is your dream date? space.
[302] do you like to call or be called? phones suck
[304] move anywhere, where would it be? still in BC.
[305] what time is it now? 6:34. it's not my fault these people call me. :p.