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Magical Mystery Tour Clues

Front Cover


  • Page 3-Paul is wearing a military uniform, and the sign in front of him on the desk reads "I WaS You".

  • Page 9-There is a crack in the head of the cartoon of Paul. In the accident, Paul supposedly smashed his head.

  • Page 10-Paul is the only Beatle who is barefoot. Corpses are buried without shoes.
  • Page 13-Paul is barefoot again. The shoes next to him are covered in blood. Also, Ringo's drum reads "Love the three Beatles".

  • Page 23-Paul is wearing a black carnation, the other Beatles have red carnations.
  • Pages 7, 14, 15, 18, and 24-Paul has an open palm over his head, an Eastern symbol of death.

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    Song Clues