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The Great Ones (Three Part Highlander Series)

They say all the "Great Ones" are immortal, "Great Ones" meaning
the original rock people.  John, Paul, George, and Ringo are no
exception.  The Beatles were one of the "Great Ones" and were
therefore labled "immortal"...little do the listeners of music know,
that they, like all the other "Great Ones", quite literally are.

Part One:  Reunited
            After the death of his wife, Paul is comforted by Duncan and his
            three closest friends which like him are immortals.  He is reminded
            of the day he crossed from the living world to the world of "The

Chapters:  1  2  3  4  5

Part Two:  All "Starr" Experience.
             After an earthquake, Ringo awakens only to find Duncan ready
             to train him.  But, something has come up, another immortal
             is trying to steal the heart of John after she attends the concert
             of a "tribute band" called Come Together, but she doesn't know
             it is really them.  Question she a good immortal or a bad
             immortal?  Or is she just a Watcher?

Chapters:  1  2  3  4  5

Part Three:  December 1999
             After being attacked in his own home, George finds out that he
             is an immortal and instantly begins his training under the
             guidance of Duncan and two friends so they can go save another
             friend from an evil immortal that is threatening to take his head.

Chapters:  1  2  3  4  5

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