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Lovely Rita        
I may get a few dates wrong and such, it's purely on accident.  This is a fic pretty much based on the song "Lovely Rita Meter Maid" but it also makes reference to her inspireing other songs such as "Something", "Come Together", and someother Beatle tunes we all know and love.  Happy Reading!!!!

Chapter One--In the Beginning There was "her"

App. 1968---
It was a clear, dark night. I had just went through the single most frightening moment in my entire life. Not that me mum or sisters would believe it anyroad, they had this strange idea that I was "easy"...I wasn't, I just had a fear of commitment.

Anyroad, I was walking home to Liverpool, trying me best to get someone to stop and give me a ride home after an ordeal that had left me with a busted lip, and my date with a broken arm and nose. No one seemed to care that I tried to wave them down...they just passed by...adverting their eyes so they could pretend they didn't see me there.

Eventually the gods smiled upon me and a car stopped. The young man behind the wheel had a naturally miscieveous smile, and innocent but wise bluish-green eyes. If not for the smile on his face I would have guessed him to be about 23...but I soon found out he was just a few years older than I was. Here I was almost 16, he was right at 18...that was my rpoof that we youngsters wasn't as thoughtless as my parents said we were.

"M' name's Lennon...John Lennon," he said with a smile.

"Call me Rita," I replied. My full name was Cynrita Elizabeth O'Tell. Sometimes I wanted to shoot my mother for giving me such a stupid name. Why couldn't she have named me something NORMAL like Terri, Ashley, or Olivia?, you may ask...I have no idea except maybe the doctors gave her some medication that messed up her mind at the time she named me.

Why did the name John Lennon sound so familiar, I wondered. Then I realized...this was the jerk my older sister Pamela often complained about. He had a found nickname for her: Polythene Pam. Oh well, that didn't matter to me...he was, in a way, my savior. He saved me from having to walk from almost London to Liverpool...long trip I assure you.

"Come this way often Johnny?" I asked curiously.

"Actually...No," he replied. "Yer lucky luv, I almost decided to stay in London tonight. So, where is Johnny takin' ye luv?"

"Penny Lane," I sighed heavily. The one place I hated more than school. "The Home of Matthew Mustard."

"I sence that's not where you really would like to go," John grinned. "Wouldn' blame ye...then again...I'm from the Strawberry Fields I guess I have no room to critize."

"Please do, the entire stretch is made up of loons...the barber, fireman, banker, my step father." I didn't notice until after I had said it that I had sort of growled "my step father."

We drove in silence for most of the trip...well, I did anyway. John was being a blabber-mouth the whole way. He told me about his home, his auntie, his band, his friends. By time he pulled up to my drive, I swear I could have written a book about his life and dreams of the future! But his captivating smile made me invite him in instead of bidding him good-night. That annoyed was a guy that had managed to make my sister's life a living hell, and I had found myself charmed by him.

But that was only the beginning of what would turn out to be a ride that would last a lifetime.


To Chapter Two

This is an original fic by Anna B. Please do not post this fic to your site w/o getting permission. You can get permisson by e-mailing me: (comments on fic can be left in the guestbook on the main page or you can e-mail opinions to me as well).  This warning goes of all the chapters in this fic.

Offical Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Beatles...I am just borrowing them for my fic which is a complete work of my creative energy.