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Chapter Seven---It's Been A Hard Day's Fight


It wasn't long after that night at the Cavern that Paul proposed to me, I of course said I couldn't. It was at that time I found out he'd known about me and George all along. So, here we were close to three years later. The Beatles had become extremely popular in England and somehow, I had managed to stay away from the headlines as a "Beatle Girlfriend." If anybody asked, we would tell them we were just friends. George didn't want to subject me to public scrutiny.

If we went out, we tried not to make it obvious we were a couple. So, that meant we stayed at his London home and ordered take-out very often.

::evil grin:: We had more fun at his house anyway.

Anyway...George and I were in our little happy relationship thing when he met her, you all know who I'm talking about...the blond bimbo that eventually broke his heart by running off with his best friend. But, if you must know Pattie and I are actually good friends now...but let's now get into that.

I'm sure all of you die-hard fans know how George and Pattie got together on the set of A Hard Day's Night...You know, her whole, just walked up and kissed him thing. Well, it just so happens I was there that same day. I had been off talking to John when he pointed it out...

"John get it through your thick skull that George and I are happy..."

"Then why's 'e over there with that posh blond bird?"

I turned quickly, and sure enough...there they the time I didn't pay attention to the fact he was desparately trying to get away. All I knew was that another girl was snogging my boyfriend...

John grabbed my arm when I tried to make my way across the setting to deck the girl and George one good time. "Calm down Little Rita..."

"You're the last person I would expect to say that John..." I snapped.

"But yer a lot more tempermental th'n I am," John said in a vain attempt to get me to calm down.

I snatched my arm out of John's grip and stalked over. "George!"

"Rita!...I-I-I can explain..." George stammered.

"No need," I assured. "I'm sure the two of you will be very happy together." I took off a necklace George had bought me and threw it to him calmly...

Then I delivered a punch to his face. That would keep them out of recording for a few days...


As I had expected, the moment Paul found out about mine and George's break, Paul was calling me and trying to get me to go out with him again. And for some unexplainable reason...I agreed.

One our first date of about or 30th attempt at a relationship, Paul took me back to Liverpool, to re-live or original first date.

Afterwards, we even went to visit my sisters, which were at the Mustard House, alone as usual on a Friday night. And this time...we made Pam and Loretta leave the living room.

Chapter Eight