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Movie Puns
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Have you ever noticed that in the movies the Beatles make some slightly pun-worthy jokes?  Well, if you haven't these are a few that the Roadents have found...

(picture coming soon) A Hard Day's Night

John gives new meaning to the term "Sniffing Coke" by sniffing on the lid of the cola Shake had given him.

Is it just me or does Paul answer "No, actually, we're just good friends." alot during the meet the press session?



Before Ringo falls through the floor during the recording session, the guy asks if they are "buzzing". After Ringo falls through the floor John says, "It was you buzzin'...Naughty boy."

George asked Ringo "Are you gonna cut or aren't you?" Ringo says,"I'm not going to cut.  Let that be an end to it!" George of course was refering to the cards, Ringo was refering to his finger because John was standing close-by with a butcher knife, eyeing the finger the ring was stuck on.

Yellow Submarine

Ringo is about to pull a lever and Fred says not to.  "Can't help it," Ringo shrugs. "I was born a lever puller."  In accordance with the accent it sounds more like how the Brits would say "Liverpooler."

The comment about Jeremy having never written a "Hole" Book....think about it you'll get it.

"Let us go hence!"says John #1 "We must go hence!"says John #2. Then Paul exclaims,"Will you get off your hints!"

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