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Click here to hear the Sailor Stars Theme, I highly recommend it to "set the mood" for the fic...even though most of you probably can't understand Japanese, but neither can I. I still think it fits the fic...SO LISTEN TO IT!! ;) >^o^<

Also, I'll try to get a character profile for each of the characters as soon as possible.


A Long Time Ago (Silver Millenium to be exact)...

Selene looked into the pool that showed her the future.  She sighed with relief as she saw the Crystal Millenium being one of
peace.  But . . . something was missing.

It only took her a few seconds to decide what needed to be done...

1966- In a hotel in America...

"G'night John," Paul yawned.

"G'night Billybob," John snickered. " 'Night Paul, George, Ring."

"G'night luvs," George mumbled. "Ring, get your feet off of me."

"I'm on the other side of Paul," Ringo stated in confusion.

"Oh . . . then Paul, get your feet off of me," George corrected. "Why did you just kick me John?"

"Sorry, I was rolling over," John apologized.

"This hotel is a drag," Paul complained. "I can't believe Eppy did this to us.  I bet he did it on purpose..."

"Concider the other option," John grumbled.

The four somehow got comfortable and drifted to sleep.  Unsuspecting of what was about to happen to them.

The distant future (Crystal Millenium to be exact)...

Mars studied the fire again.  It was making no sense what so ever! She walked away from the fire in frustration.  Walking from the room, she crashed into Venus.

"Sorry Mars," Venus apologized quickly. "Come on.  Mercury just saw an opening in the sky and four figures came through it."

"We're going to investigate," Jupiter said. "There's no way of knowing if they're a new enemy."

"Where's Neo-Queen Serenity?" Mars asked.

"King Endymion is guarding her and the princess," Mercury assured. "Just in case it is an enemy.  I have the exact location of the 'visitors'."

"Lead the way," Mars nodded.

The four senshi raced from the Crystal Palace, intent upon fighting if they had to...


"This is all yer fault it'n it?" Paul accused, shaking a finger in John's face.

"It wasn't me this time...I swear!" John pouted.  So what if the previous two times they had accidentally been teleported to the past was his fault?  That didn't mean it was this time.

"Sure," Ringo said sarcastically. "Just like it wasn't the last two times."

The four of them were at the top of a grassy hill.  A huge crystal formation loomed in the heart of the city below.  Paul and Ringo were trying to make John admit the time travel was yet agin his fault.  George had found a boulder, sat on it, and started meditating.

Paul and Ringo finally gave up their fight with John and sat beside him on the ground.

"We're sorry John-luv," Paul apologized, patting John on the back. "What is a logical reason that we could be here?"

"Good question," Ringo agreed. "That and...Where exactly are we?"

Four shadows approached them, they hesitantly looked up to see four girl in (what they guessed was...) sailor suits.  The determination in the four girls' steps gave away that they possible had military training.  The girls stopped a few feet away from them.  Their stony stares gave John, Paul, and Ringo a slight shudder.

"Japaniizu ga dekimasu ka?" The one in orange said.

"Er...We come in peace..." John managed.  It was the best thing he could think of at the moment. But at keast he recognized the language. "We're just four harmless guys from Liverpool. Japaniizu hanashimasen."

The four girls looked at eachother.  The one in the orange suit whispered something to the one in red.  The two girl shared a laugh.

"Nani nani??" the other two said.  The one in red said something in rapid Japanese, making the one in green and blue laugh as well.

The one in blue was the first to address them in English. "Forgive us, I am Sailor Mercury, senshi of water and knowledge.  We can understand English very well and thought what you said was amusing."

The one in orange put her hands on her hips and proudly proclaimed, "I am Sailor Venus, senshi of love."

The other three senshi laughed and made a comment to Venus in Japanese.  Whatever was said, it made the blond's eyes get big and her face turn red with embarrassment.

"I am Sailor Jupiter," the one in green said in a sweet voice. "I am the senshi of lightening and strength."

The one in red tossed her black hair over her shoulder in a slightly aggitated manner. "I'm Sailor Mars, senshi of fire and war."

The three guys swallowed hard, they didn't know if they should be relieved or frightened by the girls in front of them...if all else failed, they were throughly scared of the one that called herself Sailor Mars...

"I'm Paul, I don't 'ave a title 'er anythin' fancy like that unless 'The Cute One' counts..." Paul managed to say.  He sort of disliked the titles the public had given himself and his mates, but he guessed they would do.

"John, the smart one."

"Ringo," Ringo said.  He shrugged slightly when the girls looked at him as if expecting a title. "I'm the drummer..."

"The one chanting Hare Krishna is George, 'e's the quiet one," John said with a cute grin. "We promise we're not here to hurt anyone or anything."

"In fact, we 'ave no clue to why we're here," Paul commented. "We just want to get back to where we belong."

John felt a hand touch his shoulder and he leapt almost three feet into the air.

"Sorry John luv," George apologized.

The four girls talked amongst themselves for a few minutes in their native language.  They kept looking at John, Paul, George, and Ringo hesitantly then at the formation in the middle of the city.  Finally they stopped talking and Sailor Venus stepped forward.

"Come with us," she said, her voice seemed more inviting than demanding. "I'm sure Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion would enjoy your company."

John, Paul, and Ringo stood up and brushed the dirt off their jeans.  Already the trip was proving to be interesting.  They had just arrived and already they were being taken to the king and queen.

"I hope this isn't like Alice in Wonderland," John commented, more to himself than anyone in particular.

"You have more to worry about from Mars than from the King and Queen," Jupiter said in a low voice, with a quick smile. "And Mars is actually quite harmless."

The girls walked head of the guys as they journeyed to the formation in the middle of the city, which they learned was called the Crystal Palace.  Both groups were relatively quiet the whole time, excpet for when Mercury used a small compact computer to contact the King and Queen to ensure they were safe.

For the rest of the day, they were shown around the palace and settled into their rather large guest room.

After supper, the guys decided they should turn in, since they had had a long day.  Instead, John ended up jumping on the bed for a long time while the four of them chatted.

"What about the blond with the red bow," Paul commented. "Sailor Venus...her English seemed rather good as well."

"The Queen seemed to struggle a bit," John added. "But hers was reasonable."

"Let's get to bed, I'm knackered," George suggested.

John plopped to sitting on the bed. "I second that Geo,"


"So, which do you think was the cutest Mercury?" Venus asked, pushing down Mercury's book.

Mercury looked up from her book. "Nani?" She raised her eyebrow in a questioning manner.

"Of those four guests," Mars piped. "Which did you think was the cutest?"

"Oh..." Mercury hummed. "I didn't compare them."  She shrugged slightly and adjusted her pillow to a more comfortable position.

"Come on Mercury," Jupiter begged. "You can tell us."

"I'm telling the truth," Mercury defended.  She really wasn't one to judge a guy entirely by looks.  That's why she found John the most attractive.  After a small conversation with him before dinner, she had discovered that he was smart as well as good-looking. "Besides, I do not find a guy attractive based on looks alone."

The other three glanced at eachother and grinned. "John," they chorused.

Mercury felt her face turn red as she put her bookmark in her book and closed it.  She dropped her book beside the bed and snuggled under her covers.

"We all saw the two of you talking earlier," Mars reminded. "It's no big deal if you have a crush on him Mercury."

"I don't!" Mercury yelped, flinging back her covers and sitting up. "I do not have time for ... for guys ... anyway!"

Mercury laid back down and was sure the covers hid her head.

"Gee," Mars sighed. "Sorry if we offended you."

"The way she acts, you'd think her old sempai was still alive," Jupiter commented.

The other three senshi crawled into bed and turned out their lights.  None of them could hear the little sniffles that were coming from the Senshi of Knowledge as she cried herself to sleep.

Chapter Two

This fic is an original work by Jamie Paula Macca, I do not own Sailor Moon or the Beatles so don't sue me.  However, do not post any portion of this fic without asking my permission by emailing me at: