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Title:  Floating Through the Sea of Time
Written by:  Paula Macca
Rated:  PG
Disclaimer:  I don't not own the Beatles, I'm just borrowing them for my fic.

*Note:  I'm not sure if my historical information is on track, I think most of the Beatles info
is correct though.

Chapter One

         "Hmm?" John, Paul, George, and Ringo skretched to a halt.  They looked
around suspiciously. "Who's there?"
         "Come with me."
         The fab four looked at eachother, shrugged, and followed the shadowed
figure.  They were in an adventurous type of mood.  They felt like they needed a
break from their daily routine . . . especially since they were leaving for America
         After turning down into a few backjiggers (alleys) they felt themselves drop
below ground level.  Then, they found themselves in a lab of sorts.  The guys looked
around curiously.
         "What sort of place is this?" George asked, looking over the equipment.
         "Looks like a lab for a mad scientist," Ringo replied, opening a research book.
         John strolled casually over to a glass display case. "Hmmm...Do not touch,"
he read, eyeing the controller in the case.  Then he tried to lift the case, without
         "I wonder why he led us here?" Paul asked aloud, but more to himself. "Where
exactly is here anyway?"
         About five seconds later, a relatively young man came into the room, putting on
a white lab coat. "Ah, I see you have arrived.  Hmm..."
         "What are we doing here?" Ringo demanded.
         "I need you all to do a very important task for me," the scientist informed, glancing
over his shoulder nervously. "I need to leave for some time . . . I need someone to
watch my experiment."
         "What makes . . ." John pulled on the glass box, "you think . . ." he tried again,
"we want to do this devious deed?" John put his arms around the glass box.  He pulled
up again.
        The scientist pushed a button on the wall, causing the glass case to release, and
John to go stumbling backwards into a closet. "Blimey!" they heard John exclaim shortly
after a shatter.  John came from the closet and sighed heavily. "I broke yer case."
        "We'd be happy to watch your thingy," George piped. "As long as we can catch our
plane in a few hours."
        "Wonderful," the scientist exclaimed. "Just don't push this button." He pointed to the
red button on the controller John had been eyeing. "It could get you into alot of trouble."
        "We understand Mr. Scientist Sir.  We will not touch the button," Paul promised. "Now
just go about and don't worry about a thing."
        "Right.  I shouldn't be long.  It's just a short scientists meeting in town . . ." The scientist
mumbled in a paraniod manner.  Then, he hurried out.
        "Than man was strange," George commented, sighing. "John . . . what are you doing?"
        "Quick what's a good number besides nine," John laughed, picking up the controller.
        "1000 sounds like a nice round number," Ringo shrugged. "Why do ask John luv?"
        John gave a mischevious grin as he toyed with the dial on the controller. "That is a
nice number Ring . . . I wonder what would happen if I pushed this button . . ."
        "NOOOOOO!!!" The other three yelled, racing over to John.  In the same instant
they all touched him, his finger came down on the button.
        They all screamed as the room faded away.  Closing their eyes tightly, they felt themselves
begin to rapidly fall . . .

Chapter 2