News Updated 12-30-00 9 Cycle is constantly putting together
new songs. You can here a clip of That's Enough by clicking the song name. Also all the songs on the site are full. Our webmaster has decided to stop designing the site, so in turn we will be updating the page ourselves.
ATTENTION: We added a new mailinglist because we've been having problems with the old one. Please rejoin if you were a previous member of the old one. And if you haven't joined yet, JOIN NOW!
We've finally added sounds, you can download them on the left menu. To order a demo just send your address and name to or
9 Cycle will be giving away copys of
the new demo free. It includes 5 tracks of a brand new style.
Just email the band or the webmaster to get the info on it.
Copyright 2000-2001 9 Cycle
Muzik All Rights Reserved email
us: |promotion by: Roye Robley