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Just a little something I've had for years. Enjoy!!!

newWeeping in the Willows

There's a sadness in your eyes
That no amount of love can change
The stare of a thousand miles
All Those memories remain

Sometimes you're a little boy
But those times are few or none
Seems the only thing remains
Is the man you swore you'd never become

Weeping in the willows
Watching the rain trickle down
Feeling the storm inside
Tearing you up, Leaving you numb

Feeling so empty inside
You're angers just a disguise
Carrying the weight of the years
And the burden of your lies

Your heart's just an empty shell
You turned off long ago
The pain from all your betrayals
Leaves you without a soul

Weeping in the willows
On your face you wear a frown
Hiding the tears you cry inside
A King without a crown

Wasting all those years
Playing a Minstrel Clown
But, It's the only thing gave you joy
Now, those memories bring you down

Weeping in the willows
Watching the rain trickle down
Hiding the tears you cry inside
A King without a crown

Weeping in the willows
On your face you wear a frown
Hiding the tears you cry inside
A King without a crown


newHesperus Pesterus Alone within a crowd
Stirring up a hornets nest
"Hang her", chants the crowd

But, a warm feeling comes over me Whenever she's around
A smile lights up my face
At the sights and the sounds

A trickster, a cohort Inside a gentle heart
But, there's always an emptiness
Whenever we're apart Pesterus Alone within a crowd
Stirring up a hornets nest
"Hang her", chants the crowd

Pssst, she whispers velvety smooth Whatcha doin' hon
Lets go and play, have some fun
The night has just begun

Here I go, back again Ready for some fun
The nights alive with fireworks
Only Hesperus could have begun Pesterus Alone within a crowd
Stirring up a hornets nest
"Hang her", chants the crowd


newHave You Ever?

Have you ever lay under a clear blue sky

Warm sand under your back
Gentle breezes blowing waves at your feet
Your stress a thing of the past

Have you ever heard whales sing

Watched the Dolphins play
Gazed at the fishing boats
Off to hunt another day

Have you ever walked by the homeless

Playing with the change in your hand
Cursing their shame and plight
But afraid to take a stand

Have you ever heard children cry

So late into the night
Plaintive cries of hunger
Gone and out of sight

Have you ever wondered your purpose upon the planet

The Black and the White
The Good and the Evil

Have you ever held a loved ones hand

On the journey, the Long Goodbye
And whispered into their ear
To let go, give up the fight

Have you ever felt despair

As black as a moonlight night
And felt the need to end it all

Have you ever patted your stomach

After a meal on a holiday
And thought about the hungry
A stones throw away

Have you ever watched Men march to war

A nations pride at their side
To find the best and brightest were lost
For what we were told was a lie

Have you ever loved a woman so deeply

Your soul soared to the skies
Only to do something so unforgiving
The Love shriveled up and died

Well.....I have.


new A Lovers Poem ( For Kathy )

In the gentle summer night

Two hearts beat as one
Crashing waves, the surf roars
Their search is finally done

Gently walking in the summer moon

Smiles light up their faces
Each has found their one true love
To fill the empty spaces

Touching softly, gently swaying

Bodies melt as one
Waiting for that special moment
The rise of the morning sun

Whispering softly, Laughter abounds

Sounds of Lovers in love
Blending with the gentle sounds
Of all the wonders above

Softly rising, hands together

They walk the vast expanse
To find the place where they belong
A place where they can dance

And,as these lovers, gently feel

The love they have to keep
They thank the lord and count the stars
And gently start to weep


new Time

Tick Tock.....Tick Tock.....Tick Tock

Once Upon A Time Was My Friend

Now........My Enemy

I used to have time on my hands

Now...I count the hands of time
Used to think there'd be time enough
Now...there's not enough time

Used to say, "Hope I Die Before I Get Old"

Now...Don't want to die or get old
I sang, "Time is on my side"
Now, I realize, it's a short ride

Used to put off today

What i could do tomorrow
All the wasted years
Bring so much sorrow

Used to believe time didn't matter

Now it's just a matter of time
Used to hear the alarms clatter
Now it's a death bell chime

Counted up all the years ahead

Now, I just count them down
Reading bout friends that are dead
Shedding the Tears of a Clown

Once Upon A Time Was My Friend

Now........My Enemy

Tick Tock.....Tick Tock.....Tick


The Loner


Walking down seemingly endless tunnels of time and space
With no one there to offer recognition
Except his only friend

Walks On

Seeing his silent world alone
With no enemies, no friends
Just a lonely silent channel of communication
Between he and his only friend
His mind

Thinking and waiting

Until another person more alone than he
Comes along, walks the same roads
Seeking the same answers but,
Who never truly finds the answers

Till he, in one last walk

Finds his only true friend


Freedom's Child

Sitting on a cold deserted shoreline

An empty shell that threads a fine line
He's you and me and yet he's not
He's all the things that we've forgot

Cold and Bare, the body quivers

With thoughts of old that make him shiver
He knows the things that we have done
He's shared the pain and sought the fun

Freedom's Child is just an illusion

A simple smile lost in confusion
Times may change, but never do
The thoughts are the same only the face is new

Soon this child shall pass away

To come again some other day
The light of dawn must not forget
The darkness that we all have met
Weep no more my little child
Though you go you leave a smile


For Trish

Thank You

For giving me the courage
To stand up for what I believe in

Thank You

For never laughing

Thank You

For all the happy times
When just having a friend
Was enough

Thank You

For all the changes, good and bad
Which made me what I am

Thank You

For being there when I needed you
And, when I didn't
Just being there helped

Thank You


I often ask myself ...Why go on living?

When the pain and sorrow are too much to bear
When loneliness is just another form of isolation

When all the things that one holds dear

Seem to have packed up and gone

Where reality seems to quiver like a setting sun

When all the images of a past life...flow by

As if lost to us a long time ago

When all events were easily rectified
And all the foundations of what we are
And what we were...were alike

What then does one do?

On a forlorn rainy day
When the King, and the Blues, have all passed away

Shall I give up without a fight?

No...that's not my style
Just go on with the memories of the time He was here

And never give up an inch

Until our dying day

Cause if we do

Then we've let down, not others
Who never really mattered, anyway

But, ourselves




Where are you now, are you at peace at last?
Are your sins all forgotten and your ills all cured?
Is there a Heaven or are you just gone and forgotten?

Am I doomed to repeat the same mistakes?
Suffer the same consequences, endure the same outcome
Why aren't you here to answer me?

Now that I'm ready to talk, you're not here
I finally understand, but you're not here
I're not here

The child is gone, the alcohol I used as a crutch removed
The troublemaker, black sheep, mirror image of yourself
A memory of time gone bye

The memory remains the same
Same shit, different day

