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A Kathy and Andy Christmas

On this eve of a special day

I sit and think of all the ways
I can give thanks for all I've got
And beg forgiveness for those forgot

I realize now, the meaning of

The "Christmas" spirit, the joy, the love
The special feeling giving brings
To all we touch, the song it sings

For we alone are truly blessed

Have seen the abyss, with no regrets
We made our choices, lived our life
Played the game with a two-sided knife

And, sometimes in this crazy world

We get a glimpse, get tossed a clue
It's up to us to see the light
And take a journey unto the night

I've finally come to realize

The importance of others to ease the cries
The lifting of burdens from a gentle soul
A warm fire for a troubled soul

An ear to lend in times of need

A whisp of encouragement is to believe
Across the miles thruout the land
Merry Christmas to all, Merry Christmas my friend

We Wish For All Of You What We Have...Warm Friends Like All Of You

Kathy and Andy
