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[The Left Nut]

"So, as it is .... so, it will always be. Such is life."

[Big Andy]

Big Andy 1972

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Welcome to The Left Nut home page. In the next few weeks, I'll try to explain what a "Left Nut" is. We'll take a trip back to the early Seventies, when it seemed that we could do no wrong. We'll also discuss Sex, Rock and Roll, Sex, and anything else that creeps into the conversation.

[Blue Ball]
Hang on to your Balls (BLUE, if you got them) ....It's gonna be a bumpy ride!


Let's start with the ingredients:

1. Throw together a bunch of guys who obviously don't fit in with the rest of society.
2. Add very little musical knowledge (except Johnny and Shevy, but that comes later.)
3. Pour in lots of Alcohol.
4. Add a total disdain for all types of authority.

Cooking directions:

Simmer on a summer breeze and let ingredients combine for twenty years or so.

So What Do You Get?

That's what you're gonna find out here. We'll go into the various gigs, personnel changes, attitude changes, and Life. This may sound grandiose and pompous but Hey, that's "THE NUT!".

So bear with me. I just started this computer thing and if (you know me) things don't go as planned. I might just destroy the whole thing!




It was a time of love, it was a time of change... So it begins! The late Sixties and early Seventies were a magical time (Forget what the fake Hippies tell you. You know, the ones that wear suits and ties, comb their hair straight, and wax nostalgic for the old days.). Plenty of sex (without the word DEATH attached to it) and it seemed that the Youth of America could do no wrong. Into this idyllic setting come some guys with a DREAM ... Na, that's just BULLSH*T to lure you in!

Anyway, if you've ever heard of "The Left Nut" or ever been unlucky enough to have seen them play. THIS SITE'S FOR YOU!!!




Now you have a brief idea what this page will be about. If it sparks your interest, I hope you'll come by again. In the future, I'll be updating the page whenever the need occurs. I'll be checking with the rest of the guys to verify my facts (Yea...right!) and if anyone remembers anything, feel free to send me a note.


Lundy, Shevy, Don, Andy, Big Len (Wolfman), and ...the woman that was built like a Brick Sh*thouse!




These sites may be offensive to certain viewers! If you are under 18 yrs. of age or if you are easily offended (screw ya), TURN BACK. I will assume no liability for PUKING, MASTURBATING, or other acts as a result of viewing this material.

[Ani.gif]Heep. What else!

[Ani.gif]Deep Purple. Be your own Highway Star!

For those with a bad constitution, try my Songs and Poetry pages. It's a sure way to heave out your guts and clean out the intestines!!!




Just a special thanks to my Bro', my friend, and fellow band mate, "Johnny H". Without his assistance (on my memories, grammar, and punctuation) this would really be a mess! THANKS BRO'.

[Ani.gif] [E-Mail]

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If any of you feel the "Burning Desire" to contact me immediately, I have included the following ICQ program from which you may do so. However, BE AWARE, you may stumble upon "Big Andy" so proceed with your Balls in your hands tightly protected or your Pussy locked up tight. You MAY or MAY NOT like what you find.

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