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[The Left Nut]

Well Gang, it's been a long, long, lonely winter, but Life goes on. Since the end of June I've studied and got my A+ certification. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a nationally certified program for computer technicians. After certifying I finally got a job at Wang Global as a Certified Service Technician. I then moved to a house (not my idea but the old landlord had other thoughts)and got a better car (better??? a horse would have been better than the clunker I had). Then, just when I get back from a two-week all expenses paid business trip, I get laid off. SHIT!!! Bend over and spread those cheeks 'cause the parties ready to begin!! Anyway, before I get too sore (Hey... You wanna put that where?) let me bid you adieu. In the coming days I'll try to resume the Left Nut story and add some more pictures. Till then, don't go picking up soap for any-old person make sure you get to know them first (Ouch...back off buster). Later all and remember...If you're gonna suck a Nut it might as well be a..... Left Nut.

It may take me a little while to get back into the writing gig, so here's some pictures I hope you enjoy.

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When I left off so long ago, I was just starting to talk about Tyrant. Let me clarify a few things. When I first met up with the band they weren't called Tyrant. I first started to jam with two guys. One was called Stanley and I can't remember the others name. When this broke up I went back to the paper and started jaming around. I finally went to a jam and guess who was there? Stanley...he was one of two guitar players in the band. This time it was a full band and all they needed was a Bass player. Auditioned for and got the part. This was my first experience with a working band. They had gigs lined up and a practice space set up in one of the guys houses. People used to line up and watch us practice. These guys opened me up to early Heavy Metal bands like Scorpions, Judas Priest,U.F.O. and later some punk bands. I in return opened them up to Mott the Hoople, Jethro Tull, Bowie and Zeppelin. At one time we were playing seven nights a week. We were doing all the big clubs in the state (all the Asbury Park clubs) and even opening up for some big name bands. We were also doing radio and some local cable T.V. shows, but things slowly went sour. First one guitar player quit (his Father had all the connections). Then, the gigs started drying up and creative differences crept into the picture. The rest wanted to do more punk stuff and I thought it just SUCKED. Eventually, we went our seperate ways and even though I did a few gigs with Stanley after, basically it was the end of Tyrant.


As Tyrant was breaking up, we were doing some gigs at a place called Jimmy Ryans. We were playing there quite regularly and when Tyrant went bust I asked the owner if I could get some gigs. Since the demise of Tyrant had left him with a big hole in his schedule, he was more than happy to send them my way. Problem was, I didn't have a band and this could present a small problem when trying to gig. After long hrs. of thought (bout 30 seconds), I asked Steve if he would be interested. Upon receiving a yes, I decided to call Johnny H. and see if he wanted to do them. Johnny's answer was yes, and since we had done some gigs with a drummer named Joe Glennon the line-up was complete. Steve had played in a band with a woman named Debbie, who had a very nice PA so he asked her if we could use it. Not too much practising was done so this was going to be another play it by ear gig.

Jimmy Ryans was actually quite enjoyable. We performed some songs we had never done live before, and we also had guests come up and jam.We picked up our small group of groupies and we were having a good time.
