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[The Left Nut]
"The songs change, but the feeling remains the same".

Jimmy Ryan's was a fun gig but, not really a band at all. After the gigs, everyone just packed up and went their separate ways. I think John, Steve, and I had just gotten so used to each others playing, it wasn't an event anymore just a chance to fool around and go out and play. The fun was still there, but the excitement of something new was missing. Anyway, after Ryan's, I just laid around and drank for a while. After a while, I got bored with this and called up Steve to see what he was doing. I think the ultimate purpose of my call was because I was tired of drinking alone and wanted some company. When I reached Steve, I found out he had joined this band with a guy called Gaskell. Turned out it was an oldies type band that was going to do songs by all the bands that had played at the Filmore. Steve had mentioned that they didn't have a Bass player so I connived my way into going down and getting an audition. They were practicing in this guys cellar, but didn't seem to mind the volume. Gaskell played drums along with Steve on keyboards and a Guitar player by the name of Jerry Cullity. I must admit I was a bit intimidated by these guys because they all had some kind of schooling in music. The audition was going so-so until Gaskell asked if I could sing. I don't know why, since I hadn't in a while, but I answered yes. We proceeded to do a few songs and next thing I know I'm in the band. The band was a new experience for me. First, there were horns in the band. And second, everyone worked out their parts.....note for note. Actually, I really picked up on this. Guess I really had a deep need to be considered a real musician. Not someone who just let it fly, the hell with the mistakes. But, an actual musician who knew what he was doing and took the time to learn a song correctly. Someone that has the discipline to learn his craft as best as can be and take the time to correctly play a piece the way it was intended to be played. This was a very enjoyable time for me, bringing a feeling of accomplishment as well as enjoyment because I was singing and no one was making any comments about it.

Steve, as usual, was being his brilliant self and Jerry (the guitarist) was also quite an accomplished musician. I realize now, this made me strive to be a better musician myself. As things settled, it became apparent that this band had real possibilities. Adding to the excitement was the fact that Gaskell knew some promoters who were willing to book us as soon as we were ready. All was bliss for a few weeks till the old problems started to surface. Seems that Gaskell was a little too much talk and not enough action. Add this to the fact he was an average drummer and discontentment soon followed. We constantly ran into the fact that Gaskell's druming sped up and slowed down . I remember one time actually playing back the recording I was making to show him and he never even realized what he was doing. The end came when, after numerous trips to check out a gig site, we found out there was actually no gig at all.

After we split with Gaskell, Jerry and I kept in touch. After a few months I called him and found out he was playing in a (gag) Country band. Not having anything to do that night I reluctantly agreed to go along with him to a practice. The band didn't seem to be too bad (for a country band) but what really caught my eye was the singer. She had a really decent voice, but what really caught my attention was how pretty she was. So, as the saying goes, I was mildly interested in the band. After practice they said they were looking for a Bass player so once again here we go. The amusing thing about this band was that I didn't know one country song.....and NEVER learned one. We would just name a song, I would ask Jerry what key, and off we would go. This continually amazed the rest and would continue to do so even after the band had broken up. The band (Chestnut Mare) (Got the nut in there originally started out with Jerry on guitar, John(Mare's husband) on rythmn, myself on Bass and a drummer. Mare was the vocalist with Jerry doing backup. The emphasis was on country some new some old. This soon changed tho', as Jerry and I discovered we knew quite a few songs. Naturally, they weren't country, but seems that Mare liked to rock out a tune when she could. Next thing I know we're doing some country (all rocked up) with a few kick -ass rock songs mixed into the sets. It got to a point where Jerry and I were doing the vocals with Mare doing the country songs.


A little side-story if I may wander a bit. One night, while playing this little bar outside of Passaic N.J., we were just finishing up a set. Over comes this guy who proceeds to tell me I'm the best singer he's ever heard. He proceeds to tell me his best friend just got married and he would like to do something special for him. He had just heard me sing a Willie Nelson song (Poncho and Lefty) and asks me if I would sing it again and dedicate it to his friend and new wife. I turn around to the rest of the band and ask them if they would do one more song for this guy. Everybody says no, so I go tell the guy. He pleads with me , then says he's willing to pay me one hundred dollars if we do the song. I turn back to the guys in the band and tell them the guys willing to pay us if we do the song. They all still say no, so I ask if it's ok for me to do it alone. Everyone says they don't care so I ask Jerry if I can use his acoustic guitar and he agrees. What you have to remember, is that this is my first time ever playing guitar and singing in front of an audience. Well, I sit and do the song and the guy comes up and hands me a one hundred dollar bill says it was the best money he ever spent. So, I go back to the bar and the band asks me if he payed me. I said yes and they mumbled and walked away....fools....


As the band went on, we started gigging regularly almost seven nights a week. I (to my surprise) started to really enjoy myself. This was the first time in a really long time I was playing and doing lead vocals. Unlike in the NUT I felt good about it and was asked constantly to sing new songs. I was even asked to do some duets with Mare which I found I liked, too. The band took on a more country/rock hybrid feel so I was happy. Problem was Mare's husband was a country pureist and only wanted to do country. Plus, he wasn't happy that everyone else but himself was getting the attention. It all came to a head one night, I couldn't even tell you why, when he got in a fight with Jerry. Don't even remember what it was about just remember thinking it was so stupid, which resulted in Jerry walking out and quiting the band. Jerry and I kept in touch with Mare, even planing an acoustic gig with her, but it just never happened. I used to go over Mare's house after work every day to work on vocals. This went on for a while till one day she tells me she bought a new swim suit and asks if i'd like to see. I say sure and she puts it on and comes out. She then calls me over and tells me to feel the's so I stick my hand under the top and feel it. Tell you what, it SURE did feel nice. Next thing I know she tells me she's going to practice her exercises and proceeds to lie on the floor on her back. Pulling her leg up alongside her head she asks me to help her stretch. She then gets up goes back against the wall lifts up one leg to her head and asks me to rub the stiffness out of her thigh... I must admit I had some stiffness of my own that needed rubbing!!! Now, what would you do? A nice warm thigh to rub or....well..... I'm not telling, just going to leave it to your imagination and give you this final clue. If you have to Bust a nut, it might as well be a...."Left Nut".
