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To The One I Love

Tortured by the memories,
overwhelming desires.
A living hell, yes it can be!
Reaching-I have tried.
Tears-so much pain.
Crying out from the heart.
There shall be no other,
that can make me feel
these feelings of love.
God have mercy!
This soul is in need.
Longing for a life,
with Heavenly Peace!
Floods of such emotions,
uncontrollably entwined!
Where is the Answer!
Lovingly-the moment of one.
Your face enlightened,
like the blossoming of a rose.
Do you dare take the hand,
reaching for you!?
Are you able to throw away the fear,
that may bind you!?
Will you take that road,
releasing you!?
Here is your Key
Your chains are no more!
Come My Love,
We now walk this road together.

Written by Phoenix(Phxdsiv) Jan,11th1999
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