Want to know more about IOWA? here's some stuff strait from the band.

"People are going to fucking freak out when they hear this record" says Jordison. "They are going to absolutely shit themselves"

The new tracks fit perfectly alongside more well-knows cuts from the last album, but the differences are obvious. "For a band of our extremes," says Jordison, "we needed to step it up and go harder, faster, sicker, and eviler" The new songs back up his statement. Grinding speed metal rampages like "Disasterpiece" and "New Abortion", and the hyperspeed, furiously downpicked punk style riffing of "Everything Ends" are no doubt harder, faster and, at least lyrically, sicker.

"Our campaign for this album" says Jordison, "is to bring back the old-school back into heavy metal, along with all our death abd black metal influences. I even went back to using a double-bass drum setup. A lot of people lump us with all the new metal bands--this is the record that's gonna separate us from all that shit"

"When we went into the studio, we were just like "Fuck all the new shit, we're going heavy-fucking-metal,' " says Taylor. "And that's what great about this album. It's a lot darker, a lot faster, and a hell of a lot crazier" Additionally, two tracks from the bands 1996 independant release, Mate, Feed, Kill, Repeat were resurrected for IOWA. One of those songs, a slow dirge called 'Gently" retained its original lyrics but was given mostly new music. The other track, originally called "Killers are Quiet" became the epic title cut "IOWA" and is the song that the members talk about with the most excitement

"IOWA is really fucking dark" says Jordison. "Coreys lyrics on that are scary as hell"

"Dude, the song (IOWA) is total serial killer shit," says Taylor. "Its about a guy who kills women and recreates them in his own image, like having a living type doll thing. It's inspired by my whole outlook on what goes on in the dank little receses of our state. When we recorded it I stripped down and cut myself up, and basically sang the whole song naked and bleeding. You can feel that shit on the track"

"As far as heavy music goes", says Thomson, "Look at all tthe mid-tempo shit thats popular right now. Then put Slipknot and its like BAM! Blastbeats, Grind Riffs. Thats the kind of shit we're into. The rapid fire, palm-muted down picking shit. When we kick into a song like 'Disasterpiece' that chorus is fucking grinding! That's what gets me pumped"

"The song 'Disasterpiece' is about all that bullshit", says Taylor. "People who say we suck, that we're not a real band, that we're sellouts because we've gotten so popular -- thats all shit. That song is for all of them. The first line is 'I wanna slit your throat and fuck the wound'.

"The goat is IOWA," explains Taylor, slapping his hand against his chest. "And heres why. You look at a goat in the sunlight and it's chillin', just doing its thing. You think its harmless right? But look at it in the dark and it'll scare the hell out of you. Goats can be quiet as fuck--that's why they wear those bells, so you know when one'll sneak up behind you and BAM! Nail you right in the back, That," he smiles, "is IOWA"