MFKR Lyrics
(.mate. feed. kill. repeat.)

  Slipknot | Gently | Do Nothing/Bitchslap | Only One | Tattered and Torn |
         Confessions | Some Feel | Killers Are Quiet


                               Pentex sucks! Pentex sucks!!
                         They drain the life force of my tribe
                                        Pentex sucks!

                          Bonegnawers suck! Bonegnawers suck!!
                            They roll around in garbage bins
                                  All Bonegnawers suck!!

                      (Pentex is bleeding but night is falling)

                     The Black Hand sucks! The Black Hand sucks!!
                           Those wyrm-tainted bastard leeches
                                     Black Hand sucks!

                           If I had my way! If I had my way!
                           I'd rend them all ripped and torn
                                   ALL THAT SUCKS DIES!!

                      (Sweet smell bleeding glow is melting me)

                               I bring my klave into battle
                         Shifting into Crinos - I slay wyrmfoe
                                 Then I step sideways....

                    You can't see me, for I hide within the Umbra


            Gently my mind escapes into the relaxing mode of pleasure
            A pleasure that will take my mind off the reality of life
                                         My past life
                                  Life as I know it know
                      And whatever may come it slowly disappears
                          to somewhere in the back of my mind
                  It will remain there until I wish to retrieve it

                Yes I will stay here for awhile for I need the break
                           A break from the pressures of life
                and everything that lay in the palm of life's hands

                                  This mode is incredible
                                  It's out of this world
                             Too bad I must always leave it
                                       But that's life

                                         That's life


                                    Do Nothing/Bitchslap

                 The system has failed and you have failed with it
               No time to care, just time to say "Who gives a shit?"
                      My mind boils as I've decided I'm through
              Fuck your position in life. I'm taking vengence on you

                    I break down the walls of the political arena
                 Cast the vote on FN-FAL, yeah, we'll be seein' ya!
                                     (protect yourself)

                      I want to put a cap right in your asshole
                          You step to this, you're gonna pass
                           for a lump of dogshit in the grass
                         So, be on your way and get some class


                Chop down the big-wigs, shoot the telelvisions, too
                 My mind boils in life as I've decided I'm through
                  The guilty of crimes will be hung from the trees
                        Spit and punches arise from you and me

               Sit back and do nothing if that's what you want to do
            I will have my reign as king, when I take vengence on you

                                           Only One

                                    Pain. Made to order.

                Sittin', slappen, scatt'n on my back, try'n to relax
          Think'n about the facts of the crack runnin' through the pack
                   Division in thought about the war to be fought
                For tryin' to mend the ranks, still I get no thanks
              They say they mean no disrespect, but dis' is in effect
                       I take to heart the part I play everyday
                      Uninformed is one thing, stupid is another
                 Keep runnin' your mouth, but don't call me brother

                          I'm try'n to find someone on my side
  'cause bang'n heads all the time starts to grind at my gear and at my will
                                But persistent I am still
                 So when one insubordinate fucker tries to test me
                        Blow to the head, then an entrail rend
                          Guts on the floor, but you want more
                        Show you the strength of the tenth rank
                    Pain is the only way to teach kids these days

                             Opened your eyes. Now realized.
                          Talk back to me. Your punk-ass dies.

                                Only one of us walks away

                          I'm all you know. Where will you go.
                        Valhalla is gone. Along with your soul.

                                Only one of us walks away

                                     Tattered and Torn

                                     Tattered and Torn
                               That's where my soul is worn
                                     Tattered and Torn
                                  That's when I was born
                                     Tattered and Torn
                                    I broke away from me
                                     Tattered and Torn
                                 I knocked me to my knees
                                     Tattered and Torn
                                    I drink my own cells
                                     Tattered and Torn
                                     A decomposing well
                                     Tattered and Torn
                                     Roaches in my head
                                     Tattered and Torn
                                 I become the living dead
                                     Tattered and Torn
                              Tearing myself apart from the
                                 things that make me hurt


            I know you don't want to see. I know you're not part of me
          But you wonder just the same. So I'll let you in on this game

 What's on the top is just the beginning of the protectorate that keeps Gaia
         It never ends, and with the gifts Luna sends, to the apocalypse
               on we defend for the right to live in a perfect world
                   For our past mistakes, extinction we are hurled
 Trying to make amends for the Impergium, as Weaver and the Wyld and a bitch
                                       called the Wyrm

                                 (You don't want to know)
   All the power of the Wyld that runs through me, yet the reason why is an
                                   answer that eludes me

                                  (You don't want to see)
   Our viewpoint on what mankind is doing, that black inside when frenzy is

                                 (You don't want to feel)
 The sorrow that my heart holds in knowing just where my hopes and dreams are

                                    (I won't let you be)
 Caught up in a war that you are not part of. I sign this letter Your Father,
                                          With Love.

           I'm trying to set my mind free. I'm sorry you never knew me.
            My soul is in recession. Painful to make this confession.

                                          Some Feel

                                  Some feel I don't exist
                            Never believing in what they see
                               Some feel that I am not fair
                             I leave no time for repentance

                           Tearing the vail Mending the vail
                                      Tearing the vail

                            Some feel I bare the mark of man
                                  A misguided philosophy
                                 Some feel I kill for fun
                                      I kill for life!

                  I can't escape what Gaia's left for me / No more
                     I can't deny the lack of morality / No less
                         Need time to think need time to think
                           Need to spill blood so I can drink
                        Take whay they give take what they give
                          Some feel I'm dead yet still I live

                               They don't know I'm immortal
                          They don't know they're just cattle
                               They don't know I'm eternal


                                     Killers Are Quiet

                           Cycle of life and death supposedly
                     goes 'round and 'round yet it stops with me
                      Glorious hunter of my faith I have sinned
                 Killers are quiet like the the breath of the wind

                       Filling the shadows with forms of my own
                          Raised by kindred of Get I was born
                              Abomination world in disarray
                      Killers are quiet when they seek the vitae

                           Reflection beckons a portal shard
                          Spiritual quest I must stay in guard
                      Stepping sideways betweens worlds I shift
                 Killers are quiet when they are born with the gift

                         Beautiful Anguish cast out by my race
                      Now one that's Ageless I save my own face
                     I write my own laws with Death I break bread
                    Killers are quiet when they come from my head