
Snap | Carve | Frail Limb Nursery | Jumpdafukup
Interloper | Despise | Get This | Requiem | Extra Secret Track

One more time and im gonna snap x 15
One more time and i swear im gonna
SNAP! (I'm gonna snap) I'm gonna snap! (I'm gonna snap)I'm gonna snap! (I'm
gonna snap) Gonna snap! ( gonna snap)I'm gonna snap! (I'm gonna snap)I'm
gonna snap! (I'm gonna snap)I'm gonna snap! (I'm gonna snap)
I'm gonna snap! ( gonna snap)
1, 2, Look out behind you
No one else got a beat like this
Fuck it up hard with an evil hiss
How much more can you take
When you got everyone around you
Clued that you're a fake?
Comes down to greed, you plant the seed
Nobody else can stand you
Blood sweat and bastard-size Stare into the killer in your eyes!
Besiege me! I kiss your cancer Deceiving, this doesn't matter
Becoming degraded dated, Behind me, one more I swear I'm gonna
Snap! (I'm gonna snap) I'm gonna snap! (I'm gonna snap)I'm gonna snap! (I'm
gonna snap) Gonna snap! ( gonna snap)I'm gonna snap! (I'm gonna snap)I'm
gonna snap! (I'm gonna snap)I'm gonna snap! (I'm gonna snap) I'm gonna snap!
( gonna snap)
Snap! (I'm gonna snap) I'm gonna snap! (I'm gonna snap) I'm gonna snap! (I'm
gonna snap) Gonna snap! ( gonna snap) I'm gonna snap! (I'm gonna snap) I'm
gonna snap! (I'm gonna snap) I'm gonna snap! (I'm gonna snap) I'm gonna
snap! ( gonna snap)
All I want is what is mine
All I want is what is mine
All I want is what is mine
All I want is what is mine
All I want is what is mine
You ain't no fuckin' friend of mine
ain't no fuckin' friend of mine
ain't no fuckin' friend of mine
ain't no fuckin' friend of mine
All I want is what is mine
All I want is what is mine (all i wanted!)
All I want is what is mine (all i wanted!)
All I want is what is mine (all i wanted!)
All I want is what is mine (all i wanted!)
You ain't no fuckin' friend of mine ( oh fuck no!)
You ain't no fuckin' friend of mine ( oh fuck no!)
You ain't no fuckin' friend of mine ( oh fuck no!)
You ain't no fuckin' friend of mine
One more time and I'm gonna snap (Snap!)
One more time and I'm gonna snap (Snap!)
One more time and I'm gonna snap (Snap!)
One more time and I'm gonna snap (Snap!)
One more time and I'm gonna snap (Snap!)
One more time and I'm gonna snap (Snap!)
One more time and I'm gonna snap (Snap!)
One more time and I'm going to fucking...
Snap! (I'm gonna snap) I'm gonna snap! (I'm gonna snap) I'm gonna snap! (I'm gonna snap)
Gonna snap! ( gonna snap) I'm gonna snap! (I'm gonna snap) I'm gonna snap!
(I'm gonna snap) I'm gonna snap! (I'm gonna snap) GONNA SNAP ( SNAP )


Someone elses telepathy
Collasped enemy
Always dealing with that and this
I released then i believe
64 elimnation
We'll make you understand,
How feel,
I need a gun,
I need a gun to kill,

Your pain i see,

Carve! Theres something inside!
Carve! Theres nothing inside!
Carve! Theres something inside!
Carve! it's not done til over
Carve! Theres something inside!
Carve! Theres nothing inside!
Carve! Theres something inside!


Your in your place trapped,
Your gonna get your face slapped,
Bring more,
Slice,dice and penalize,
Gonna getted slam dunk,
You fat ass punk,
You stick your own face,
Yet u can't afford your own place,
I am gonna give you a little more,
Gonna make u wanna to take it,
Thank you anyways,
I am just taking you,

Roll your ass,
Force u to pass,
Least i am not fucked,
Whatcha u going to do,
When god sees through you,
(You are fake)
You want it even louder,
Eyes and ears,
Listen to what we say,
so there is no way to elimanate,
(i want it all!!!!)
Iam going to show u how to be decieving,

What your lies have done
You are the one
Are in your place trapped
Have gotten retrapped

Frail Limb Nursery

"Purity Knight":
"She lay as though she were in a trance,
With her long eyelashes fluttering like she was dreaming.
She said to him "I lie beyond the sea",
And then all of a sudden her head dipped back and she vanished.
Gone, gone without a trace!
(!ecart a tuohtiw enog ,enoG)
She's never coming back, do you know what it's like to live with that?
No one knows what it's like.
The only one who knew me, gone."

Jump Da Fuck Up

Muthafucka u don't understand all my hate!
Muthafucka u don't understand all my rage!
Muthafucka u don'tunderstand all my pain!
Muthafucka u don't understand...
You seem to severe all my frequencies
I'm tethered to your energies
And everything turns inside out
I can't be killed but I'm not too proud
Maybe you would like to peek through the curtain
At the samemistake you know you always make
But...all I really want to know is
Are you gonna lay the fuck back down Or jump da fuck up?
Walking in da streets and looking at all this shit
I'm full of hate,don't fuck with me
Walking in da streets and looking at all this shit
Open up your eyes and fucking see
We got the tribe against society
We got to fight the real enemy
Get da fuck up, stand da fuck up, back da fuck up!
All this is making things a bit insane
And I don't care who stares or stays
The only thing that matters is
Will you reach out if you can't resist?
Maybe you don't give a shit for the rest of us
But if you do, the time is now, if it ever was
If you're gonna fight, whatcha gonna do?
Jump da fuck up!
How dare you single out
my honesty
Compare me to your travesties
I only want to see you fight
The darkness you wanna live by
And if you're gonna quit, I don't give a shit
What the fuck, I'm a Mack truck
Are you gonna give up like a bitch or jump da fuck up?
Walking in da streets, looking at all this shit
I'm full of hate, don't fuck with me
Walking in da streets and looking at all this shit
Open up your eyes and fucking see
We got the tribe against society
We got to fight the real enemy
Get da fuck up, stand da fuck up
I'm a self destructive piece of shit
Smear me in
I don't owe you a goddamn thing
This life has never had the swing
I don't wanna be immortal or legend or anything
Cuz the longer I'm alive, the better off you'll be
Get ready for epitome, come on and pity me...
Will you kill me if I say please?
I'm the same old reasons not to try
What the hell
Beat to death with a shovel and a new smell
Come and get me, mom would never let me do it
I'm ruined, I don't want anything from you
Cuz I've got nothing left to prove, c'mon
My time, everything feels fine, goodbye
Killing from the inside


We were ready for anything

Everyone knows some pain,
I see the loss every time someone says your name,
When you know someone who shines hard
A soul of the age who doesn't care
who the fuck you are
You had a friend, a brother who was everything
But he had to go away....that was yesterday
I've lost a lot of people in my time
The good, the bad, the unreal,
and the ones who shine
So I know you all understand
When I say that until they left
We were ready for anything...but this


You are not gone
We keep you here inside us
You are not gone
We know you're still beside us
You are not gone
We have this light you gave to us

Mikey and Tumor verse:
Now it's time to, lay to rest our friend
And through these songs
His memory will never fucking end
We will see that
Through this loss we'll shed some light on you
Until the day you left us

We were ready for anything...but this


Why'd you have to go? We never had a chance
I can't believe it so I won't admit it
Life ain't shit without you in it


Everybody says the light that shines the brightest
burns out fast
But what they never say is
all the light they give us lasts
We hold the memories and cherish
everyday we had
But we would give it up in a second
just to have you

Secret Hidden Track

"Does this not bother any of you guys?"
"Shawn you need to shoot from the bathroom door out so you don’t get any on the......"
"Yeah Shawn go over there."

(Shawn was apparently creating a home video of the group and they were simply telling him to move for a better angle, according to Shawn in an interview.)

"Is that your aunt?"
"Dude, my frat burger is comin’ back up dude"
"No Shit"
"Ohhhh God.. hahaha"
"Ohh look at that"
"Oh God damnit"
"Ahh Dude"
"Look at that poo face she got goin on.." and "oh no I’m not here dude" at the same time
"Dude my eyes are watering"
"Haha ohh.."
"Ohh, oh man let it roll"
"She gotta 5 o’clock shadow"
"Ah hell no dude"
"Oh god"
"I’m tearin’ up"
"Fuckin God dude"
"She’s all about it"
"She can’t get enough!"
"Pretend it’s pudding, pretend it’s pudding"
"Dude, that’s some chunky pudding"
"He’s watchin her"
"He/she’s gonna take off"
"He’s all checkin it out now"
"She’s all about that shit, she’s all about it dude"
"Oh wait this part... check this out dude"


"It don’t bother me at all"
"Oh, oh she’s fucked"
"Hey hey hey...Chris"
"Noo dude"
"She’s covered in it dude"
"She’s rinsing it.. she just beat him off dude"
"Fuckin A dude"
"Ohh oh god..."
"Oh my god"
"Ohohoh, my god"
"I’ve never seen anything ruder in my life, dude"
"Chris, Chris look at this one..."
"Chris" "Oh, I’m done, done, I’m done with it dude, I am done with it dude"
"Chris, Chris look" "No I can’t.. I will puke, and I don’t want to puke dude"
"You guys gotta shut the fuck up dude"
"Ohh" "This is sick dude, sick... This is sick"