Paul Grey - Bass

Paul is the co-founder of Slipknot with Shawn (6). Seems to be a friendly person, with an indulgent personality.
Quote - "When we go to radio stations for interviews, we wear the masks and never fail to freak people out. Are the masks a fetish thing? I'm definitely into that stuff. Des Moines definitely has more than its fair share of freaks."
Mask - Paul wears a pig's face mask with its septum pierced.

Contact -

Paul is the bassist and co-founder of the group along with Shawn. Unlike the rest of of Slipknot, Paul was not born in Des Moines. His family moved there when he was young. Paul has two masks: The tight, normal one that tends to look like a beaver, and the loose, more pig- oriented one. He says it reflects his indulgent personality.
#2 Paul Grey - Bass Guitar

Warwick Corvette Standard 4 String Bass
Carvin R1000 Bass Amp Head
Ampeg SVT-810E 8X10" Speaker Cabinet