The "FRIENDS OF THE WHITLAMS" is a fan club that was formed in 1992. The original snail mail list has expanded into a web based list of close to 600 members. FOWs typically have been organising get-togethers for a long time, forming warm and fuzzy friendships, as well as living cramped to their monitors, waiting until ungodly hours of the morning for a new post. Just kidding! (ummm, maybe not?!) But the most common (obvious and logical) place to find FOWs is at any (and every) Whitlams Gig, thus the source of Tim's affectionate name "Friends at the Front".

Many FOWs have sent in photos to the Official Web site from gigs and FOW meets, as well as art work and other bits and peices...go to FOW GALLERY

Join by going to the Whitlams Official Website at and click on MAILING LIST and follow the propts
Send an e-mail to subject "join".

Contact Cat [FOW List Manager] at

or send snail mail to
FOW Photos,
PO Box 1391,
Rozelle NSW 2039,