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Le Rouge Boudreaux

Born: June 23rd, 1598 ~ Died: December 12th, 1988

"Now he's making hell rock!!" - David and Peter Paul simultaneously

Le Rouge was a mystery to us all, but those closest to him knew his darkest secret. All the fans who went to see Warchild on the "Taste my pain punch" and subsequent "Operation: Rollback" tours, saw Le Rouge as the mysterious band member who always lurked in the shadows. Many of you wrote us asking, "Why is that Goth pussy always in the shadows". As Le Rouges' closest friends we could never give a straight answer without betraying his trust.... but now that he's dead, we feel that it is time to let his secret out.

Le Rouge wasn't just filling the role of the obligatory goth guy in the band... he was a genuine child of the night. Born in 1598 Le Rouge lived out his early years in a small Belgian village called Astralica. When he was twenty or so years old he met a vampire who offered to take him to the dark side. Le Rouge, at first resisted, but when he found out he'd be able to fly, he agreed.

Le Rouge then wandered Eastern Europe for centuries. Over the years he learned to play the piano, a talent which he thought would help him win friends in the vampire community, and win friends it did. By the 1700's Le Rouge was known throughout Europe as Motzheart, but didn't receive real recognition until he changed his name to Mozart, the abbreviated version seemed to suit the people of Europe better. Le Rouge went on composing long after the death of the facade that was, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, but never did he find another name that short, to win him favor with Europeans again. In 1936 Le Rouge gave up composing and went on a world tour of blood. After slaughtering thousands, in bloody murders throughout Africa, and South East Asia, Le Rouge landed in Fort Kearney, Nebraska, where one night he went on a hunt for blood. Le Rouge spotted what he thought would be a good supper. He descended from the sky to land in front of a '73 Barracuda fastback with three young men inside. The car screeched to a halt and out jumped the men, Duke DuBoise, and the Chefarro brothers, Chaz and Terry. Duke said "Hey Fag, there are no Fags allowed in the road!!". Chaz then said, "IM GONNA KICK YOUR ASS.... PUSSSAAAAY!". The gaunt and sneering Le Rouge approached Duke, and grabbed him, lifting him a foot off the ground. Just as he was about to bite him, he realized that Chaz was standing behind him... pissing on his trench coat!!! Le Rouge was infuriated. But just then he realized who these three brave, and defiant souls were. They were none other than the leaders of the Heavy Metal Rock group, WARCHILD... his favorite. he then told them he was a vampire and that he, while feeding on an Egyptian Metal-head, had seen their show on top of the Pyramids. Terry asked if he could jam, "Hey can you jam?". Le Rouge said he was the finest keyboardist in all the land. Later that week the four jammed, and Tricky Wizard was born.

Le Rouge joined Warchild where he took a prominent role in the band. But shortly after their last tour Le Rouge fell victim to a vampire hunter named Gerald Von Earn, formerly Ronnie Acid, who through a bizarre ironic twist had been Le Rouges' predecessor in the band, prior to Ronnies' departure for Vampire Hunter School, in South Carolina.

And thus ends the story of Le Rouge. His four hundred years of torment ended on December 12th 1988... or did they?....As we all know, Mozart was killed by a Vampire hunter as well.

- Terry Cheffaro
"My Friend Le Rouge at Dawn" 1698 by Pascal Brunel