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We're in the process in setting a show up period! More details very shortly.

A message from Drew to all the Adicted on our guestbook. Please check it out.

Urgent! I need to redue the mailing list so please send your addresses to Street or e-mail it doesn't matter. Thanks. Have a nice day.

Songs page added. Check out original and cover songs Adiction plays.

The Demo has been Mastered. It has been released! So what in the hell are you waiting for. Get your freakin copy for Gods' sake! Be sure to share it with others. The more people you show it to, the better off we are. So please, feel free to take part in the rise of the Adiction. If you need a copy contact the band. Thank you.

The Adiction Newsletter is now available for you. Just sign up now! CLICK HERE! The Newsletter page has recently been modified. The past newsletters have actually been added to the site.

The Banner Design page allows fans can create different logos/banners/signs/etc (you have to send them in. This is not a paint page). Any advertisement for the band email it here and your design will be posted. So please, participate. You can also e-mail us and tell us which you like best. Click here or go to it from the scroll bar at the top.

Last Updated: August 8th, 2003

Web Master is - Drew Ritz (

Adiction logos, name, and all meterial (yes that is ALL songs) property of Adiction and its members, copyright 2000. All rights reserved. Any material plagiarize, copied, or used without permission of Adiction is strictly prohibited.

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