So from what wretched gutter did your favorite band, AMVAMP, spew forth from? Well, the story begins here...
Back in the year 1997, founding members Angel and Ble9k met in the high-class brothels of France where one finds most Parisian artists. Seeing a mutual bond with such people as Morrissey and the poet T. S. Eliot, songs such as The Bangles "Walk Like An Egyptian" and Sweet's "Love is Like Oxygen", and places such as the Taj Mahal and that little cafe in Prague,( oh what was that waiter's name? Ahh yes! Jean-Luc!) the two hit off an amazing friendship that would last until the forming of AmVamp.
"AmVamp really was all my idea at first," Ble9k recalls, "Then Angel came along and ruined it all. I had dreams of being the biggest Jazz/Rock/Fusion/Reggae barbershop quartet ever. Then he called me up one day and said: ' I like what you're doing but I think you really should become a hard-core gospel/metal/ska hybrid'...and that was that." Thankfully for the fans, AmVamp abandoned their true calling and became the waste of time they are today!
After years of collaboration, the duo decided to focus their unique talent of taking some atrocious idea that would probably fare better on the back of a recently removed malignant cyst and making it into a listen able and, yes, sometimes even catchy hit song. This, of course, doesn't happen often.
Never has the death-gothic rock community seen such a driving force as those two young lads who make up the center nucleus of AmVamp, with whom a wide array of talented live musicians have supported in making ours ears bleed right through those cotton swabs and onto the shoulder pads of our fave goth gear. Clicking your heels three times won't make them get off the stage unfortunately, but your dog might make a good prop!
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