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Welcome to the AmVamp Gallery...Showing a glimpse of your favorite band on stage and around town.

Relaxing at home...  

BriLog 2.gif (25304 bytes)                 BriLog 3.gif (61534 bytes)                   BriLog 1.gif (39615 bytes)     

LIVE !!!

November 3rd at the SHACK

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Another heartfelt moment

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A contemplative look only means disaster

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I still don't think Q knows she's in the band...

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The return of the thin white duke

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Brian can feel your pain during "Lick"

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Maybe Logan just wants to say hello

BriLog 4.gif (32087 bytes)

Deep in the heart of "A Beautiful Alternative"

Group 2.gif (169724 bytes)

Just look at God ready to crush us with his almighty hand

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