Please peruse AmVamp's Favorite Website's from around the internet.
Music Sites: The complete horror goth punk site. Site for late great Rozz Williams.
Dekker: Even my mom likes these guys! I had to put them here, or get thrown out of the house.
Mercyground: Home of Faith and the Muse, at least online.
Babyland: If I were like you, would I remember the truth?...this band is industrial perfection.
Portishead: Official site.
Savage Garden: Only proves how relationships can hurt a band. Move over Yoko!
Art of the Mix: If you make mix tapes, you are one of those "Simplistic" artists.
Diva Destruction: Ohh...Hot goth chicks who'd never speak to me. Where do I click?
Gothic Radio: I need an old priest and a young priest to bring these hits back.
Cemetry Gates: All the Smiths and Morrissey information you never wanted to know.
Gene Loves Jezebel: But who loves me?
Local Bands.Net: Go there and vote for us. No we are not Dekker.
Nine Inch Nails: The site that brings you closer to god.
Darklinks: Can't find it on AmVamp? I'm not surprised.
Cinema Strange: You try and decipher the lyrics.
Tool:...and no eggs.
The Dickies: They put up with us. Bless them.
Interesting Sites:
Ghostwatcher: Help June find some ghosts.
Arctic Loon: Are you tired of life, but scared to die?
Microcosm Publishing: Need patches or buttons? Amvamp can't help you, but these guys can.
Ghost Hunting 101: Everything you need, except Egon.
Babysmasher Industries: I still don't believe this one.
Cam's Happy Pencil: From the man behind the TOOL drawings... Crazy fuck. Website that only remotely deals with vampire-porn.
Se7en: The official Movie site.
A Love of Monsters: Gargoyles and Architectural Details in N.Y.C.: Makes you want to move.
Deathclock: So when will your time expire?
The Vomitus Maximus Museum: Macabre pics and morbid diatribe.
History of Halloween: Not a Michael Myers fan page.
Levitated Tile: It's like our site...serving no particular purpose.
Oscar Wilde: Who the hell is this guy?
34i: Q's personal website. Talent and did she end up with us?
Find A Grave: Where do you want to be buried today? When you can't wait to see your future.
The Bell Witch: A true-life Blair Witch, but no one cries. Much.
The Library Eclectica: Book reviews for the morbidly minded.
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