[Track by Track]
Here's what Jebediah had to say about the lyrics and emotions behind each song featured on their debut LP, Slightly Odway, track by track.
Leaving Home
C: It's got a tambourine!
V: We started jamming it in pre-production for 'Jerks...'
B: We had this fantastic Weezerish middle bit, but we cut it out.
K: I'd just moved out of home so that's what I wrote it about.
C: It all came together in the space of an hour probably and we've never changed the song.
K: I really like that song, it's a good sing along 'cause of the repetitive 'Benedict' bit. It's definitely a live favourite.
K: That's my attempt at writing a Something For Kate song.
Jerks Of Attention
K: We wanted to record it differently to keep it fresh...
V: It's closer to the original feel of the song. When we wrote it, it was really slow but playing it live, we kinda quickened the pace to get the crowd going.
K: Chris's crazy space guitar riff!
V: ...and he recorded this one with his pants around his ankles!
C: That's my spaceship at the beginning...
Spoil The Show
K: That was one of those magic moments where the group just got together and played and we seemed to lock into one another's psyches and everything just happened. When we're just jamming along and all the music's happening you just spew forth words out of your head...
B: ...sometimes words just sound good together.
C: Amazing guitar solo!
K: Yeah, that's my favourite part of the song, the middle section.
C: ...and we added a cowbell.
K: "Blame" is a really old song, an indication of what we were doing when we started. It was sort of punky.
C: It's a debut album so it's good, while we're young, to put the really energetic stuff on there.
V: That's another one of those group magic moment things...
B: It's an epic!
V: We chopped a verse out of this one.
B: It's about a compulsive cleaner.
Military Strongmen
C: It's kind of a social commentary...
K: A friend of ours named Dave had this term "Military Strongman" for people at parties, guys who get drunk and start getting violent...
V: ...and macho...
C: ...beer-swillin' dicks, basically. The kind that laugh at your clothes.
C: Slippin' along!
K: It's a party song.
Twilight = Dusk
C: To all the girls I've loved before! I like that one, it's a highlight for me.
V: It wasn't even a song, we were just jamming and it ended up on a demo tape that got sent to Neill and he really liked it and strongly urged us to finish it. We weren't entirely convinced...
C: Our mature side.
La Di Da Da
B: That's it! That sums it up!
C: Blah Di Blah Blah! I think it was our first attempt at a song with no distortion. No pedal stompin'.
V:... and we got Fur and Sandpit in to record vocals for the big group singalong at the end.
Information obtained from www.jebediah.com.au(.)