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^Dean Koontz^
Oh my gosh, I can't say anything but good stuff about him! He is the BEST author in this world!!! I love him! He is..phenominal. A genius..brilliant..He never ceases to amaze me. I have read all of his books to date=) I am now waiting ::Didn't say patiently...:: for his new book..if he is even working on one lol =)

I have read all of his books. I recently finished his newest, "From the Corner of His Eye". Well, here is the list of his books that I've read and then of course I'm gonna rate them..ya know the drill...5 *s and + means 1/ ready? lol

  • Seize the Night****+ (this was actually the 2nd book in a series..not really a series but w/ one'd have to know what I
  • Fear Nothing****+ (this is the FIRST book w/ the same ya know what I mean? Okay I'm just copying a list from his book and it's in this order=)
  • Mr. Murder*****
  • Dragon Tears****
  • Hideaway****
  • Cold Fire****
  • The Bad Place****
  • Midnight*****
  • Lighting****
  • Watchers****+
  • Strangers****+
  • Twilight Eyes****
  • Darkfall****+
  • Phantoms****+
  • Whispers****
  • The Mask****
  • The Vision****+
  • The Face of Fear****
  • Night Chills***+
  • Shattered****
  • The Voice of the Night***** (I remember that I finised this in one night..the first night I checked it out, I think=)
  • The Servants of Twilight***** (you know the sad thing? I remember like the first sentence of this and it was a long time ago that I read it..)
  • The House of Thunder*****
  • The Key to Midnight****
  • The Eyes of Darkness***************** (lol I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED this book! It was the first of his that I read. I was barely 12 years old, I think, and I got it out of a book order that you get in school...after this book, I was hooked for life=)
  • Shadowfires****
  • Winter Moon***** (I don't remember what this is about, but I remember that I LOVED it and it was a good book)
  • The Door To December***** (I should give it more stars..his 2nd book that I read..I LOVED it...=)
  • Dark Rivers of the Heart**** (I don't remember what it's about lol but I know I liked it!)
  • Icebound** (guys, this is NOT anywhere NEAR one of his best..his ONLY book that I DID NOT was boring but you can't judge him by this would be morally wrong lol)
  • Strange Highways****+
  • Sole Survivor***** (GOOD book!)
  • Intensity***** (REALLY REALLY good book!)
  • Ticktock**** (REALLY funny lol The end has a WONDERFUL Dean Koontzy twist)
  • The Funhouse****+
  • Demon Seed***** (this book is so weird lol I loved it!)
  • False Memory****+ (this is the most recent book of his that I have just came out in paper back and i bought's really good and very twisted =)
  • From the Corner of His Eye***** (This books is actually very different for him. It's hard to say "Oh, he writes like this" "or like this", but this one is the most different from all the books of his that I have read. I loved it, though. You still can't get any more talented than Dean Koontz. I will fight that to my dying day =)

~This guy has to be the MOST talented writer in the world! And I have read A LOT of books!! By different authors..He's amazing..and I hope that most of you will take my advice and go out and read him...I swear you'll love him!!! I'll give you a list of his books that you should read first if you are just starting out on his wonderfully amazing works: =) *if he read how much praise I give him, he'd be so sick lol*

  • Fear Nothing
  • Seize the Night (Before reading this, I would read Fear Nothing first because it is basically the FIRST book about the allows you to get to know them)
  • Mr. Murder (AMAZING..I loved it!)
  • Hideaway (I saw the movie first then when I became a D.K. fan, then I realized he wrote the book. And since I loved the movie so much, I had to read the book..the book was 10 times better)
  • Midnight
  • Watchers
  • Darkfall
  • Phantoms (this movie is DUMB DUMB DUMB! I hated it!)
  • Whispers
  • The Vision
  • The Voice of the Night
  • The Servants of Twilight (IT WAS SOOO GOOD!)
  • The House of Thunder
  • Winter Moon
  • The Door to December (ALSO WONDERFUL! GOOD GOOD GOOD!)
  • Intensity
  • Sole Survivor
  • Demon Seed
~I would tell you to read them all, but I think you have to get to know Dean Koontz better (as a writer) before you read some of his other works..such as his newest one, False Memory. It's very Dean Koontz but very twisted. Lol I loved it...I bet if you didn't know Dean Koontz you may not like it..but I loved it..take my advice..READ his books..

*Buy Dean Koontz's Books
(Really, I am demanding you check him out=)
*Check out his website