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DWD part Duece

Here are some pics to delight your creegganite palate. Oh gord, that sounded more pornorific then i meant. Or maybe its just me. Um, see it as you like!!!

Jim on his funky gee-tar. Had to capture it...

Andy stroking the ivories. Actually, they're not real ivory, but you get what im saying, and I got to say "andy" and "stroking" in the same sentence. See? I knew you liked it that way.

This is Jim getting some funky-assed noises outta his bass. Thats some mean tunes goin on!

Jim standing on one foot while he watches over his heard... Not really, just reminded me of how sheperds in Africa stand while watching their moo-cows. I almost didnt get this pose, but I think jim noticed i wanted it so he did it again. Bless his karma.

The only pic I got where you can tell Jim is smiling...come on jimmy, cheer wont rain! (and it didnt, thank vishnu! [isnt he the god of war or something? whoops])

My favorite picture of them all. Both photographically and looking at it from a people point of view. Hopefully you agree.

DISCLAIMER: Bnl is not mine, blah blah blah. Don't take my stuff without permission PLEASE.