Here's Kev's Cuz Harland, Bob Scott (who is an INSANE drummer) Martin Tielli (who is an INSANELY AWESOME TOTALLY OWNS ME guitarist) and Tim "Mr. Eyelashes" Vesely! Who plays bass and sings at the same time! Oh, and a side note about this pic. Its actually 2 pics put together. Im sneaky like that...(actually, on my old monitor you couldn't see the difference! Now You can! Silly me....)
Here's Kev looking at the girl next to me if I didnt know any better. And I dont. But, im not bitter! (that he wasnt looking at me, he did every once in a while...but thats not the story folks...) Last night of the show...just before he got off stage...he turns, looks at me...smiles...and waves! To me!! I think cuz I gave him a painting of him the night before, but he was too bewildered to say much that night. What a sweety.... >swoon<
LOOK LOOK LOOK! ITS DERECK ANDREW ORFORD! SEE? In the lower left corner! HA! LOOK! Hehehehehee...he hates having his picture taken (as far as I know)! But im being a snot because he seems to be a very good sport! :D Oh yes, and theres kevin looking toward the back, and of course, Flamey.
Tyler showed up for the Friday show!!!! He sang the song "Queer" with the Rheos...and man...he absolutly ROCKED! And I love that song! It ROCKS! And he...(for lack of a better term) Rocked! Once he got the microphone out of his ass....(side note: Tyler broke the mic temporarily during the song. So he was trying to figure out how to fix it, and he was bending over looking at something...and I think Martin...or Tim? Came up behind him and was gesturing that they were trying to get the mic cord out of his ass....which brought about an impromptu song!! AWESOME!
Kevin...with ol Acoustic...and a lovely lock of hair on his forehead. >falls over backwards swooning< OH! And dont forget Chris "Smiley" Gartner! I swear...he never stopped smiling! What a nice guy! He even came *up to us* fans and thanked us for coming! :) <---smiley smile!
Actually a very small portion of a photo...but with a lot of cropping, and a bit of Adobe looks very artsy. Oooo....
Kevin now owns the orignal work of this. I've never given an original away..... >whimper< Hope he still has it....