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...Another page of NAKEDNESS!

Hi! After recently getting Mothball Mint in the mail (for those not in the know, it's Kev's 1st solo album, and its great! You can order it from I was inspired to draw this picture of kevin trying to look angry singing his song, which is about cute because he tries so hard to sound like an angry rock star. Great song by the way, kinda like a rock/swing music thing going on...with some industrial clangs and electricity zipping through every once in a while...what is my point again? Oh yeah, heres kevs run down shack.
And this little number was inspired by the ramblings of some Hearniaks. ( I cant remember if it was on or the Kevin Hearn Rules page on yahoo...) Anyway..they were talking about something like...alice in wonderland..and kev being at the mad hatters tea party... Anyway, this came to me in class.
And these...I'm really proud of. Remeber that pen I discovered for the "Jammin" pictures? Well, I had discovered how great it was with hair when I started doodeling a Kevin. Yep, Kevin was the 1st and boy is he a cutey. Then Jim showed up. Jim's got a great face to draw...its very defined. I used to have difficulty with it...but something clicked I guess. Now i just have to start drawing Ed's face right...

Previous page! Another page??
ANOTHER DISCLAIMER?!: Mine! These are mine! Cant have them unless I say so! Copyright ME 2001! Sorry to BNL for my silliness!
