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Remembering John


The year is 2002.. It will soon be December 8th.. We miss you John and many of us have still not found the peace of mind we have sought since your death.. I hope someday we shall meet.. But until then we miss you.. You and your family are in our prayers still today.

On December 8, 1980 John Lennon was gunned down. A senseless act of violence that cannot be explained. Even after 20 years many fans, and friends cannot understand why. On this page I will put all comments received from you on what John meant to you and the impression he has left on you. Click the link on the bottom to email me and send me your comments along with you name. This page with be updated as I get the emails.

And the World will Live As One

I was born on December 11, 1980 three days after John Died. I did not even Know of "Beatles" until I was at least 14!
But I instantly drew towards John and the insane way he dealt with the pressures of being a Beatle.
He was insecure yet demanding of attention all at the same time! I thought Man why doesn't think guy make
up his mind does he want to be famous or not! I drew towards his insecurities and things that he felt made him who
he was and the fact that he lost his mother at such a young age. I felt as though this was someone to know!
And I did eventually find out that of course he had died three days before I came to be known
I was outraged at the act of violence that took him from me and I couldn't understand WHY!!
And I guess thats what still haunts me know is that no one knows quite WHY!! But I know that he will
live on forever as the Beatle John with insecurities and unstabilities, that I grew to love
Because he is forever remembered for his music.. Persona... Idealisms and remembered in his children.
Rest in Peace John. We love you!

----- Erin J.

John prayed and fought for all of us
, which no-one else in his position
was brave enough to do. I admire him
so much for it, he was one of the
greatest men that ever lived.


I remember hearing the news that day at work.
The whole place just stopped as though the world
had ended. In a lot of ways it had. Still can't work
out why for God's sake.
I believe he would have been a leading world figure
now and one that was listened to and supported by a
generation that believed in him. IMAGINE.

---- David

