Sir Paul McCartney

James Paul McCartney was born in Liverpool on June 18, 1942. His father James was once leader of Jim Mac's Jazz Band. Pauls mother, Mary died in 1956 of breast cancer.. Paul met John in 1957 at St. Peters church in Liverpool, where John's band The Quarry Men were performing, And as they say.............. The rest is History.
Paul Married Linda Eastman. Paul has 3 children with Linda.
and James. He also adopted Lindas child Heather.
Linda died of cancer in 1998. Since then Paul George and Ringo Have collaborated on The Beatles Anthology book and the new Album '1' in #1 just about everywhere! Also there is talk of a Beatles 2!
Some Fun stuff about Paul::
Did you hear?? Paul is DEAD?!?! Nah not really. But if you were around in the sixties you might've heard this being shouted around. There are tons of sites dedicated soley to the Paul is dead theory and even one to the "Everyone is dead BUT Paul.. Here they are:
Paul is Dead FAQ
Everyone But Paul
Another Paul is dead
Also the Book "The Walrus Was Paul" Is and excellent read.. More than enough information to make you hair literally stand on end!
Recent news is that Paul and Heather are planning a wedding due to take place next June. COngratulations Paul!! Could there be baby songs comeing from the McCartney mansion?? We'll see..
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