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Azure Lady's
Australian dedication to


~ Shoreline Ampitheatre ~
Northern California
10th-11th August 2000

Concert Review by Kazlynn

~'s my review for all of you to read, though I have no pics to
send because at the Shoreline Ampitheatre in Northern California, if they see you with
a camera and you weren't issued a legitimate press pass, they can kick you out all
together with no questions asked!! Unlike other it really wasn't worth
loosing my tickets plus backstage passes to try and sneak in a camera, ....You know
what I mean? Anyway, I saw Cinderella, along with Slaughter, Dokken and Poison on August
10th & 11th, 2000 for the "Power To The People Tour". Actually all the bands were
excellent, though in my oppinion Cinderella stole the Show!! Tom's voice was Crystal
Clear and hit every lovin' note ; which really blew me away because I knew he had had
trouble with it in the past, (mid to late 90's) but this time his voice brought
tears to my eyes....and just thinking about it right now takes me back to that weekend!!

Meeting Eric, Jeff, Tom and Fred was a dream come true for me because i've loved and
believed in this band since 1986, and to be able to personally walk up and see an idol
like that right in front of me was a major rush!! I was like....."UH....uh....uh......
F r e d?......You really blew me away with that violin solo!!" and he smiled and
said.........."Hey THANKS!!!" then extended his hand to me; to which I grabbed and
shook for like...seemed to be 3 minutes....LOL! it was too fun!!
Now I'm 5' 7" tall, and Tom has got legs that just go on...and on...and on....he
seemed to be about 6' 4 " though he may not have been that tall, he just seems
Giant to me; especially when standing next to Jeff because he didn't seem much taller
than I am. I was one of about 20 people backstage, and that included the
Cinderella band, and when Poison cleared the stage, we were unable to stay because
each band had a strict policy about not honoring other passes other than their
own bands..which was great for us Cinder fans because it kept the riff raff out and
gave us the opportunity to really get upclose and meet the guys. I believe Charlie
(Keyboards) was backstage as well, but I really wasn't familiar with him so didn't
attempt to meet him, to which I feel bad now because he was an important part of that
tour as well and I missed the chance. So Hopefully next tour i'll get that chance!!

Way back in the day, I was a major- big-time Bonjovi fan, and when they took
the Cinderella band on tour and under their wings, well...lets just say, BonJovi has
been in the backseat to Cinderella ever since!!! (No offense Jovi Fans!!))
But that's the way it is!!! BonJovi rocked hard as well on their recent Crush tour,
but there is just something special and different about Cinderella. Not only
are they incredible musicians, They seem to become one with the if it's
a party or something....without a lot of fan fare or showbiz attitudes. They are
down to Earth....plain and simple...making jokes and small talk with one another
and the fans....."Not at all like... hey...look at me.....I'm Mr. ROCKSTAR!!"

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