Half-Baked Theories

Mateo the Potato's Guide to NYC*

Mateo Potato struts his stuff on the dancefloor at Shine Mateo Potato shows us the booth where he takes the ladies...
This is my favourite NYC club, Shine.

Here I am in Times Square... Times Square. Don't really know what I'm doing here. It's a bit touristy...

This is Broadway, opposite B.B King's Bar and Grill. Mateo Potato shows us the Full Monty

Mateo Potato takes a tour of the Big Apple This is one way to see the city. On a big red bus. You deserve any ridicule you get.

Mateo the Potato's Guide to England*

Mateo Potato shows us where he gets his funky beats
This is where I pick up chicks... I mean rare funk records when I'm in the UK

Mateo Potato shows us the street where he was bizarrely interviewed about his choice of Christmas Tree decorations
Manchester. Another place to pick up great...records. And it always rains. The people are a little strange, give me bizarre gifts and ask random questions. Come to think of it, they are a little strange in York as well. Hmmm.

Mateo Potato shows us his Mr. Darcy impression... Mateo Potato has a cameo in Pride and Prejudice
This is how the people in England dress...nah, I'm playin'. This is me on the set of Pride and Prejudice. The women over here seem to have a thing for arrogant men with sideburns. Not for me though - I ain't wearing pantyhose for nobody.

Mateo Potato - NOOOOOO!
Hey - a sunbed...!

Due to unforeseen stupidity on the part of Mateo the Potato, his tour ends here. We did try and chill him out, but he was completely baked (!).
In loving memory of a vegetable with pins for eyes and felt-tip hair.

*DISCLAIMER: This page is pointless and is not intended to cause offence. Any minor resemblance to real people or events is purely erm...for comedy value. And nobody try to microwave a potato unless you stab it with a fork, otherwise it will explode.


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