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Charles W. Flanagan Tuba Line

Under the Direction of...

Director of Bands-Christopher J Schletter

Assiant Director of Bands-Tom Santino

Assiant Director of Bands- Rick Miles

Color Guard Director- Dean Broadbent

Cool New Stuff

The Falcon Sound Band Website has been updated check it out

Remenber to check the update site for all new news!!

2003 Show Anouncement

The Falcon Sound Will bring you to the edge with the 2003 Feild Show "The Brain" The Opeaner will be from Disneys millenium celebrations "Chaos", flowed by the thriller "Niagra Falls". Which was the basis for the 2000,2001 World Champion Clavalers Drum and Bugle Corps show in 2000

We Got A Grammy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Falcon Sound got a Grammy this year check out the awards page for more infomation.

Band Camp!

get this gear!